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Alumni Support research and education Groningen University Fund Prijzen en penningen GUF-100 prizes

Zahra Farshchi

Faculty of Law

In her motivation letter, Zahra writes that she ‘believes that the term excellent student encompasses not only strong academic performance, but also making a useful contribution to society.’ The jury could not agree more, and in light of this criterion, Zahra is indeed outstanding. But let us start by listing her impressive study career. As a young child, Zahra fled to the Netherlands with her parents, and lived for eight years in an asylum seekers’ centre. Subsequntly she was advised, after her family had been granted a residence permit and relocated to Hoogeveen, to study at VMBO-TL level. After completing her VMBO-TL degree, she completed a MAVO degree (cum laude), followed by HAVO, always with high marks. Her next step was to complete the first-year programme in Law at the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in Zwolle, followed by a Bachelor’s in Law at the UG with an average mark of 8.3, and a Master’s degree programmes in Legal Research and Constitutional and Administrative Law with an average mark of 8.5. In addition to these impressive study results, Zahra is a highly valued member of the Student Parliament, as apparent from the endorsement email of the coordinator of said Parliament. Zahra combined her Bachelor’s degree programme with the Honours College programme for which she received an average mark of 8.4. Her very high marks, combined with the high number of completed ECTS (198), were a clear indication for the Faculty selection committee of Zahra’s to assess her excellent academic level. This is matched by her excellent societal contribution. Already in Hoogeveen, she worked for a few months as a volunteer at the Food Bank, and she has for the past five years volunteered as a legal adviser at refugee foundation Stichting Vluchtelingenwerk. Within the University, she worked repeatedly as a student and research assistant, both at the Honours College and at the Faculty of Law, was active within the HCSF (Honours College Social Foundation) as the President of the Career & Lecture committee, was a member of the Programme Committee of her Research Master, and the Scientific Research and Ethics Committee, and has put herself forward for a position in the Faculty Council.

Zahra held a great pitch on the importance of law.

Zahra Farshchi
Zahra Farshchi
Last modified:07 July 2023 3.30 p.m.
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