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Alumni Support research and education Groningen University Fund Prijzen en penningen GUF-100 prizes GUF-100 prijzen 2020

Arasj Jahrome

Faculty of Law

According to the GUF jury, the three nominated candidates were almost on a par in terms of excellence and diversity. Arasj Jahrome finally won the prize, mainly because he surprised the jury with his beautifully composed presentation, which was as profound as it was philosophical.

Arasj took the long route to university before embarking on a Bachelor’s degree in Law, specializing in IT Law. As the letter of recommendation from the Faculty stated, Arasj has shown genuine perseverance, he is one of the best students in terms of marks and he stands out for his pleasant manner during discussions in seminars. He wrote an intriguing memorandum for the course unit in Law and Information Management, discussing the role of consent in the new European Payment Services Directive. He also participated in a public consultation of the European Data Protection Board on the matter.

Alongside his degree programme in IT Law, Arasj took part in numerous activities, such as at the Honours College, where he taught debate and communication skills to fellow students, and chairing the facilities committee for LISA (the Law and IT Student’s Association). Additionally, he worked with, among others, FinTech regulation as a student-trainee in Amsterdam and currently works as a law-assistant at one of the Netherlands’ top law firms two days per week.

He now has to choose between going to Cambridge, Oxford or the London School of Economics for his Master’s degree, as he has been offered a place at all three universities.

Arasj Jahrome
Arasj Jahrome
Last modified:15 March 2022 1.21 p.m.
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