Testimonial International Alumni Ambassador
Name: Isabell Burmester
Country: Germany
Program: BSc International Relations and International Organisations

About Studying in Groningen
I came to Groningen because I was interested in a study program that was not offered at universities in Germany at that time. I knew little about the Netherlands and the Dutch education system, let alone the language. More importantly, I did not know anything about the city that I would call home for the following three years and yet I immediately felt at home. Groningen charmed me with its geniality and openness, its vibrant student life and its “gezelligheid” (a Dutch word that you will hear a lot in the Netherlands and that can be loosely translated to gregariousness or conviviality). Most of the inhabitants are students that gather on innumerable patios to enjoy a drink in the sun during a study break or spend a day in the Noorderplantsoen (Groningen’s most crowded park in the summer). Many of the university buildings are spread over the city center and so it is not unusual to be greeted by a fellow student or a professor while you are biking to your next class. In fact your bike will be your most valued companion throughout your time in Groningen.
All of this is of course an important part of the student life in Groningen, but what struck me most about my time here in Groningen was the quality of my academic experience. Experienced and renowned professors supply high quality academic knowledge and ignited my passion for academic research in my field of study. They provided me with important tools and skills that will be very valuable for my future career and personal life. Moreover, learning in a multicultural environment not only enhanced my academic performance; it also changed my view on many study-related topics and led me to become a more tolerant and open-minded person.
Lastly, Groningen gives you countless opportunities to complement your studies with extracurricular activities. Whether it is playing the sport you like, planning parties with your study organization or organizing guest lectures and conferences for your fellow students. There will be lots of opportunities for you to become active within one of the many study or (international) student organizations in Groningen.
Isabell Burmester is from Northern Germany and has participated in several cultural exchanges before coming to Groningen. During her time in Groningen she organized a study trip to Ukraine and Belarus with her study association Clio and became a member of the Board of Directors of the international student organization TEIMUN (The International European Model United Nations). During her third year she had the opportunity to spend an amazing ERASMUS semester in Rome, Italy.
Last modified: | 11 July 2019 12.58 p.m. |