Fabienne Bösch, Germany
Why Groningen?
Having grown up in the North of Germany (Bremen), I have always felt connected to the Netherlands. This may be due to the geographic proximity, or because of the familiar northern nonchalance that seems to be just a little more friendly in the country of cheese and tulips. In any case, following my gut feeling and moving to Groningen was an excellent decision that has opened many doors for me with regards to academia, but also outside of the University buildings. I think one of the coolest traits of Groningen is its young, international population that automatically turns the cute Dutch city into an open-minded, creative hub in which students cannot but thrive. Pair this with classic Dutch architecture and canals, scenic biking routes, lots of charming cafés and original boutiques, and the extraordinary groningse fondness of partying – you get the ideal student city. Student associations offer easy ways to socialize and find new friends in a heartbeat, everybody speaks English, you can walk or bike everywhere, and if you need to know where the next ATM is located, just ask a stadjer and you will always receive a friendly reply. Whatever you are looking for in your student life – you are likely to find it in Groningen, as long as it is not the “anonymous big city feeling”. My advice: If you decide to study in Groningen, make sure to join KEI-week in August – for me that was hands down the best way to find incredible friendships before my study even began.
Why the University of Groningen?
Groningen would not be as attractive, wouldn’t it be for the outstanding university it is home to. The University of Groningen is amongst the world’s top 100 universities and it has a rich history of scientific breakthroughs and remarkable graduates. There is something special about UG; when walking around Zernike campus, I get a tingling feeling of following into big footsteps, such as recent Nobel Prize winner and UG graduate Ben Feringa’s. Naturally speaking, the university’s educational quality is extremely high, as scientific rigour is lived and breathed here. However, there is no need to be intimidated by this, as the whole university’s climate is in no way excluding, nor arrogant. In my experience, all university staff, including well-known lecturers, are going out of their way to make students feel welcome and understood. Before I started my studies, I was afraid I might not be “cut out” for the academic world, but at UG I was quickly shown otherwise, as the message is clearly that everyone fits in, as long as motivation and curiosity prevail. What I particularly like about studying at UG is the open-minded attitude towards new approaches and different points of view. Discussion is always encouraged and even the smartest professors would admit it if they made a mistake. This is the kind of flat-hierarchy-learning-environment that is fun and empowering for students, as it challenges everyone to speak up and grow intellectually without worrying about stepping on anyone’s feet.
I grew up in the North of Germany but moved all the way to the South after graduating from high school. Since I did not know what to study immediately, I chose to complete a vocational education program first, which I did at a publishing house in Munich. Afterwards, I worked and travelled through Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand for a few months, before I began my studies in Groningen.
I opted for the BSc International Business program and I have no regrets to this day. This study is very broad and gives insights into many aspects of doing business in a globalized world. In my opinion, International Business is the perfect bachelor’s degree for anyone who wants to learn more about the business world, enjoys communication and is interested in how international relations between companies work. I really like that the BSc IB does not narrow down your options but, instead, provides you with the necessary knowledge to choose for the ideal master’s specialization which fits your personal skills and interests.
Studying abroad has been the most rewarding experience, even though being a German in Groningen sometimes does not feel like being a foreigner, considering the high number of German students in this city… You might think the Netherlands are culturally not very far apart from Germany, however, living here has given me an in-depth understanding of the Dutch culture and, let me tell you, it is different from German culture in many ways! If you are like me and enjoy getting to know new places and meeting interesting people from all over the world, wait no longer and apply for your favourite program at the University of Groningen, you will not regret it.
If you are hesitant or have any questions at all, I am very happy to help you out. Please contact me so we can have a chat!

Last modified: | 14 June 2021 10.23 a.m. |