Qian Zhang, China

The Ancient city
Groningen is one of the oldest University towns in the Netherlands with charming canals and century-old buildings. The University of Groningen has a rich academic tradition dating back to 1614. I still remember the first day I came to visit the University, it was RUG’s 400 years celebration. I had just received my admission letter and wanted to visit the University before making my decision. On that day, I saw hundreds of gray-haired old people coming from far and wide to celebrate their Alma Mater’s big celebration. They were beaming with pride and accompanied by their children, even grandchildren. I could see the twinkle in their eyes. And that's when I decided to be part of this organization. I also dreamt that after many years, I might be one of those to come with my gray hairs to tell my story to the young people.
The Young Blood
Groningen is a city with tens of thousands of students. The city hall square, library, café, bars..wherever you go, you will see young students. The University encourages international experiences; it attracts international students from all over the world. With students from all around the world, we can discuss our studies, life, and future. I have friends from all over the world. I think RUG is everything I could ever imagine for a University; I am honored to be part of this institution.
Qian Zhang is from China. She studied Economics & Business Economics at the University of Groningen. Before coming to the Netherlands, Qian studied in Singapore. After her studies in the RUG, she plans to continue to do a Master's degree in Controlling Track.
Last modified: | 11 July 2019 12.57 p.m. |