Testimonial International Alumni Ambassador
Name: Ye Hanfeng
Country: China
Program: master International Business and Management

Studying at the University of Groningen
The University of Groningen is recognized as a highly ranked university around the world. At this moment, it is one of the top 100 higher education institutions worldwide on multiple ranking lists. The oldest university in China would be around 100 years old. However, the University of Groningen which is rich in history and tradition has been providing students with a quality education for 400 years, which is a top priority for them. Stepping into the academy building would make you not only feel close to the source of northern Dutch renaissance but also to the origin of Dutch scholastics. That was the initial motivation for me to come to Groningen and study at the University of Groningen. The teaching at the University of Groningen builds a strong connection betwe en research and education, which maximizes the value of the programs students follow.
Hanfeng is one of the master students and majors in International Business & management at the University of Groningen, where there is a rich academic history tracing back to year 1614. Ye Hanfeng is also socially involved alongside his study. He is currently working as an intern for Philips in Amsterdam. Hanfeng is dedicated to committing himself to academic competence as well as practical skills development.
Last modified: | 11 July 2019 12.57 p.m. |