Silvana Della Penna, international alumni ambassador 2012-2013, Argentina

Name: Silvana Della Penna
Home country: Argentina
Programme: PhD in Kidney Pathology at the Pathology and Medical Biology Dept.
Scholarship: Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Eurotango
Contact: silvanadellapenna
All the faculties as well as the UMCG are very well equipped and have high quality professors, who are willing to help with anything that we need.
About stuying in Groningen
Groningen is such a nice and cozy city! It is small but on the other hand, you can find everything you need. The student life is fantastic, because you can attend several social activities during the whole year. The Dutch people are very open to internationals and there has never been a language or cultural barrier at all. All the faculties as well as the UMCG are very well equipped and have high quality professors, who are willing to help with anything that we need. I totally encourage all students to have this amazing experience which can enrich their professional and personal life!
Silvana Della Penna studied Pharmacy and Biochemistry at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is specializing in kidney pathology during her PhD at the Pathology and Medical Biology Department, University Medical Center Groningen. She has been awarded the "Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Eurotango" scholarship in 2011, and the "Abel Tasman Talent Program" scholarship for the period of 2012-2013. She has been vice-president of the Association of Latin American Students since 2011, a non-profit organization which helps Latin American students before and during their stay at RUG, integrating them to the Dutch society as well as making them feel at home.Last modified: | 22 July 2021 11.47 a.m. |