Dmitrijs Milajevs, international alumni ambassador 2012-2013, Latvia

Name: Dmitrijs Milajevs
Home country: Latvia
Programme: Master of Science Language and Communication Technologies
Scholarship: Erasmus Mundus
Contact: dimazest
I can't stop being amazed when beggars speak better English than I.
About stuying in Groningen
I chose Groningen on the recommendation of many students in my programme who referred to it as a nice place. My European Masters enabled me to study in 2 countries where I made new friends and learnt from new cultures.
I acquired great presentation skills. Through the course I constantly shared ideas, experience and knowledge and learning to share these precisely. I think the Dutch start studying at a university younger than students in my home country. The architecture and bicycles are what I liked most about the city. ACLO, the sports center, provides an enormous amount of sports to do. It's a great place to spend spare time.
The Dutch are open minded, though it's not that easy to become a close friend to a Dutch person. I love biking in Groningen, its fitness for lazy people J There was no language barrier at all. I can't stop being amazed when beggars speak better English than I. My advice to future students is to get a bike as early as possible and make lots of friends.
Dmitrijs Milajevs obtained a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from the University of Bozen Bolzano, Italy and a Master in Language and Communication Technologies from Saarland University and the University of Groningen. He worked as a programming teacher back in Latvia for a few years and as a programmer for various research and commercial projects. One of his hobbies is Fencing, he‘s a member of the Donar fencing club, the second oldest sport student club in Groningen. The others are Horse riding, shooting, swimming and running, which he tries to do on a daily bases.
Last modified: | 22 July 2021 11.45 a.m. |