Tadele Akalu Tesfaw, international alumni ambassador 2011-2012, Ethiopia

Name: Tadele Akalu Tesfaw
Home country: Ethiopia
Programme: Education Effectiveness and Instrumental Design, Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Scholarship: Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP)
“ The University of Groningen is truly a place for innovative teaching and research in an international atmosphere. The university’s extensive facilities and wide variety of cultural, sporting and social activities help you in self-development as well as to build bridges to international understanding.”
About stuying in Groningen
I have gained skills to be an independent researcher and more importantly, I acquired writing skills, empirical research skills, critical thinking skills and presentation and dialoguing skills.
The education system of the RUG is quite different from my home country. In my country, it is more lecture-oriented and exam-oriented. Here, however, it is totally independent learning. The program is integrated with a lot of exercises, assignments, and presentations which enable the learner to be self-managed and self-dependent and innovative as well. Learning here is also guided with computer technologies.
I am very glad that I got the chance to meet both Dutch and international students. I shared most relevant experiences with them. The programs of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) are unforgettable. It is the place for cultural and international exchange.
Without exaggeration, the Dutch people are so sociable, open-minded and honest. It is clear that the Dutch people are always busy. But, they devote their time to help newcomers by giving information on what they need.
The University of Groningen is truly a place for innovative teaching and research in an international atmosphere. The university’s extensive facilities and wide variety of cultural, sporting and social activities and programs help you in self-development as well as to build bridges to international understanding.”
Tadele Akalu Tesfaw has a diploma in Adult Education and a Bachelor of Arts in Educational Planning and Management in Ethiopia and an International Master of Science in Education with a specialization in Educational Effectiveness and Instructional Design from the University of Groningen. He worked from July 1997 to August 2010 as Community Skills Training Coordinator, Plan and Project Expert, Non-formal and Special Education Expert, Educational Development Plan Officer, and Project Officer in governmental and non-governmental organizations in Ethiopia. He likes reading books, listening to TV/radio, watching films and visiting historic places.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 22 juli 2021 11:42 |