Prince Ralph Osei, international alumni ambassador 2011-2012, Canada

Name: Prince Ralph Osei
Home country: Canada (originally from Ghana)
Programme: Organizational Psychology, Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Scholarship: Talent Grant of the faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences
“Life in Groningen, both inside and outside the classroom, has not only broadened my experience and educational credentials, but has also made me a global citizen.”
About studying in Groningen
“It has been a great experience living in the Netherlands and Groningen precisely, and I would not change a single moment. The program has been very fulfilling, the professors and topics very stimulating. One of my favorite classes has been Applying Theories, where all the many years of classes and theories are put into practice. I have produced a policy paper on workplace bullying and my Master thesis is on the inability of human beings to predict their emotional reactions to future events. All these are as a result of the engaging and highly productive environment that my faculty is noted for.
I must say, it has not been all work and no play; I have had some of my best parties in Groningen. Biking is phenomenal, I can now bike, hold an umbrella and talk on the phone at the same time. When you can do this, you are Dutch enough.
It was easier to immerse myself into student life here thanks to having opted for an international student house. Living in the Moesstraat student house with 48 other international students, we came to share many experiences in adjusting to life here. The support and presence of the other students, who later became like family to me, made it easier to cope.
Life in Groningen, both inside and outside the classroom has not only broadened my experience and educational credentials but has also made me a global citizen.”
My name is Prince Ralph Osei, a Canadian but originally from Ghana. I am doing a Master of Science in Organizational Psychology. I studied at Concordia University, Montreal and was the President of the Student Union before I came to Groningen. Starting this fall I hope to find a job in a field related to Policy making and Human Resources in organizations. At the University of Groningen, I was involved in the student platform for the Canadian Studies center as International Liaison Officer. I enjoy reading, running, travelling and getting to know people.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 15 juli 2021 12:05 |