Aletta Research Meet-up 5 November 2019

On 5 November 2019 at the Zernike Campus in Groningen, researchers and public health professionals came together to focus on the topic 'Raising a Healthy Generation'; children's health was the core topic of the day.
Overview of the day:
2 keynote lectures
- Gerard van den Berg: Using the migrating siblings design to identify sensitive childhood ages for adult health and education
- Henderien Steenbeek: Challenging Curious Minds in education: a developmental perspective on children’s healthy upbringing
Morning session of 3 parallel seminars/workshops:
- Seminar: Intergenerational transmissions
- Seminar: Mental Health
- Workshop with GGD Fryslân: Alcohol and the society
- Matchmaking session - based on grant calls topics
session of 3 parallel seminars/workshops:
- Seminar: The social context
- Seminar: The built and the body
- Workshop with children: stress
Aletta Scientific Council members presenting on the day:

Gerard van den Berg - keynote lecture
University of Bristol, UK
chair of Aletta Scientific Council

Jolanda Jetten
The University of Queensland

Ilona Koupil
Karolinska Institutet

Petter Lundborg
Lund University