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I-BSS kick-off meeting

When:Tu 04-10-2022 15:30 - 17:00
Where:Gadourekzaal, Sociology Building

On 4 October, I-BSS (Inclusion at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences) will have its kick-off meeting.


3.30 p.m. Opening words by Kees Aarts, Dean of the Faculty of BSS
3.35 p.m. Sabine Otten: Getting started as the 1st D&I officer at the Faculty of BSS: aims and ambitions
3.50 p.m.

Diversity & inclusion at BSS: four examples from different domains

  1. Monica Lopez-Lopez: Building more inclusive and affirmative child welfare systems for LGBTQIA+ youth
  2. Catherine Meissner: EQUIPPING in international classrooms
  3. Toon Kuppens: The university and the educational divide
  4. N.N.: Not Alone Groningen
4.30 p.m.

Panel discussion on D&I at BSS

Which topics should receive specific attention in the D&I policies at BSS? What is going well? What could be better? How can our Faculty be more inclusive?


  • Gerry Wakker, Chief D&I Officer at the UG
  • Sabine Otten, D&I Officer at BSS
  • Hawun Ratuharati, student member of I-BSS
  • Irene Niessen, study advisor for Pedagogy and Educational Sciences
5 p.m. Closing
5 - 6 p.m. Drinks & snacks in the canteen

If you want to attend, please sign up.

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