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Koster, prof. dr. Sierdjan

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Sierdjan Koster

Sierdjan Koster is adjunct hoogleraar Economische Geografie en Arbeidsmarktdynamiek bij de Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen. In zijn onderzoek richt hij zich op regionale verschillen in sociaaleconomische ontwikkelingen, regionale arbeidsmarkten en ondernemerschap. Koster onderzoekt bijvoorbeeld de ontwikkelingen in de arbeidsmarkt na de coronapandemie.

Koster belicht ook graag de kansen en uitdagingen in Noord-Nederland. Zo bestudeert hij bijvoorbeeld het vestigingsklimaat en het imago van Noord-Nederland. Ook houdt hij zich bezig met de hoeveelheid studenten in Groningen die na de studie in de stad blijven of juist vertrekken, of hoe bedrijven in de regio zichzelf aantrekkelijker kunnen maken voor studenten. Daarnaast ligt zijn expertise op het vlak van ruimtelijke economie en geografie.


Hein, A. Z., Elving, W. J. L., Koster, S., & Edzes, A. (2025). One Size Fits All? Employer Branding in Different Contexts. Corporate Reputation Review. Advance online publication.


Koster, S., Venhorst, V., & van Dijk, J. (2024). Demography, firm dynamics and regional labour markets: useful metaphors? In K. Henkens, & H. van Solinge (Eds.), Leo van Wissen: Veelzijdig Demograaf (pp. 94-98). NIDI.
Hein, A. Z., Elving, W. J. L., Koster, S., & Edzes, A. (2024). Is your employer branding strategy effective? The role of employee predisposition in achieving employer attractiveness. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 29(7), 1-20.
Cnossen, F., & Koster, S. (2024). The Geography of New Technology: Exposure to AI, Software and Robots in European Regional Labour Markets. Italian Labour Law e-Journal, 17(2), 1-28.


Koeppen, L., Ballas, D., Edzes, A., & Koster, S. (2024). Behind Left and Right: Disentangling the voting behaviour of radical right and radical left parties in Europe. In C. Lenzi, & V. Fedeli (Eds.), Spatial Inequalities and Wellbeing: A Multidisciplinary Approach (pp. 176-212). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bay, F., & Koster, S. (2023). Best practices in overcoming pitfalls and barriers: An FBD - supporting digitization in SMEs - evaluation report. Futures by Design.
Van Rietbergen, T., & Koster, S. (2023). Dynamics in Economic Geography: Understanding spatial socio-economic inequalities. (4 ed.) Uitgeverij Coutinho.
Bay, F., & Koster, S. (2023). Futures by Design in different regional contexts. Futures by Design.
Ziogas, T., Ballas, D., Koster, S., & Edzes, A. (2023). Happiness, Space and Place: Community Area Clustering and Spillovers of Life Satisfaction in Canada. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 18, 2661–2704.
Koster, S., & Brouwer, A. (2023). Met brede welvaart op weg naar trots en zelfvertouwen. In W. Schreuder, B. Nienke, & T. Posthmus (Eds.), Inzicht in impact: De maatschappelijke gevolgen van de gaswinning en denkrichtingen voor de toekomst (pp. 346-361). Kennisplatform Leefbaar en Kansrijk Groningen.
Pot, F. J., Koster, S., & Tillema, T. (2023). Perceived accessibility and residential self-selection in the Netherlands. Journal of Transport Geography, 108, Article 103555.
Pot, F., Koster, S., & Tillema, T. (2023). Perceived accessibility in Dutch rural areas: Bridging the gap with accessibility based on spatial data. Transport Policy, 138, 170-184.


Bay, F., & Koster, S. (2023). Self-employment career patterns in the Netherlands: exploring individual and regional differences. The Annals of Regional Science, 71, 601–625.
Pot, F., & Koster, S. (2022). Biedt het inkrimpen van Schiphol nieuw perspectief voor regionale luchthavens?
Liu, S., Koster, S., & Chen, X. (2022). Digital divide or dividend? The impact of digital finance on the migrants' entrepreneurship in less developed regions of China. Cities, 131, Article 103896.
Hendricksen, T., stam, E., Koster, S., & Kamminga, O. (2022). Ecosysteemanalyse Noord-Nederland.
Koster, S., & Kamminga, O. (2022). Fryslan als vestigingsplaats: De voorkeuren van ondernemers van 1983 tot 2021. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Koster, S., & van Dijk, J. (2022). Meer investeren buiten de Randstad is goed voor heel Nederland. Geografie, 31(4), 18-20.
Pot, F., & Koster, S. (2022). Small airports: Runways to regional economic growth? Journal of Transport Geography, 98, Article 103262.


Doets, B., Nicolai, P., Edzes, A., Koster, S., Broekhuizen, T., & Los, B. (2021). De Stand van het Noorden. (2 ed.) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Bay, F., Brouwer, A., & Koster, S. (2021). FBD DATA REPORT 2021 – Groningen and Friesland, the Netherlands.
Alsem, K. J., Boisen, M., Koster, S., & Wever, J. (2021). Het imago van Groningen in 2020. (Marklinqpublicatie; No. 21). Hanzehogeschool Groningen.
Swart, M., Smit, T., Bosma, M., Edzes, A., & Koster, S. (2021). Sociaaleconomische effecten van de energietransitie in Groningen: Documentenstudie in het kader van het Territoriaal Just Transition Plan. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Koster, S., & Brunori, C. (2021). What to do when the robots come? Non-formal education in jobs affected by automation. International Journal of Manpower, 42(8), 1397-1419.


Koeppen, L., Ballas, D., Edzes, A., & Koster, S. (2021). Places that don't matter or people that don't matter? A multilevel modelling approach to the analysis of the geographies of discontent. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 13(2), 221-245.
Bay, F., & Koster, S. (2020). Concept paper: HSKT hubs - Definition, role and further actions: concept of horizon-scanning knowledge transfer hubs. Futures by Design.
Bay, F., & Koster, S. (2020). Desk Study - Futures by Design: Background, scope and evaluation strategy. North Sea Region.
Doets, B., Nicolai, P., Edzes, A., Koster, S., Broekhuizen, T., & Los, B. (2020). De Stand van de Noord-Nederlandse Economie: Impact van de coronacrisis.
Doets, B., Nicolai, P., Edzes, A., Koster, S., Broekhuizen, T., Los, B., Hulsman, L., & Kruijf, de, B. (2020). De Stand van de Noord-Nederlandse Economie.
Koster, S., Brouwer, A., & van Leeuwen, E. (2020). Diversity as the key to success? Urban and rural employment dynamics in the Netherlands. Regional Studies, 54(9), 1187-1199.
Pot, F., Koster, S., Tillema, T., & Jorritsma, P. (2020). Linking experienced barriers during daily travel and transport poverty in peripheral rural areas: the case of Zeeland, the Netherlands. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 20(3), 29-46.


Mierau, J., Gebben, M., Turenhout, Y., & Koster, S. (2019). Kader Lerende Evaluatie van het Nationaal Programma Groningen.
Koster, S., & Pellenbarg, P. H. (2019). The Changing Firm Landscape and Firm Location Behaviour. In P. Capik, & M. Dej (Eds.), Relocation of Economic Activity: Contemporary Theory and Practice in Local, Regional and Global Perspectives (pp. 71-83). Springer.
Rijnks, R., Koster, S., & McCann, P. (2019). The Neighbour’s Effect on well‐Being: How Local Relative Income Differentials Affect Resident's Subjective Well‐Being. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 110(5), 605-621.


Niedomysl, T., Kallstrom, J., Koster, S., & Osth, J. (2019). Interregional migration of business owners: who moves and how does moving affect firm performance? Regional Studies, 53(4), 503-516.
Koster, S., & Brunori, C. (2018). De Noord-Nederlandse Industrie in Perspectief.
Koster, S., & Bos, L. (2018). Door automatisering bedreigde werknemers investeren weinig in carrière. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 103(4762), 282-284.
Koster, S., & Edzes, A. (2018). Perspectief op Drentse Steden. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.


Hans, L., & Koster, S. (2018). Urbanization and start-up rates in different geographies: Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden. Small Business Economics, 51(4), 1033-1054.
Koster, S., & Andersson, M. (2018). When is your experience valuable? Occupation-industry transitions and self-employment success. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 28(2), 265-286.
Fahmi, F. Z., & Koster, S. (2017). Creative Industries and Regional Productivity Growth in the Developing Economy: Evidence from Indonesia. Growth and Change, 48(4), 805-830.
Koster, S., & Hans, L. (2017). History Repeating! Spatial Dynamics in Dutch Start-up Rates (1996-2013). Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 108(2), 250-257.
Andersson, M., & Koster, S. (2017). Local Industry Structure as a Resource-Base for Entrepreneurship: Implications for Smart Specialization Strategies. In P. McCann, F. Van Oort, & J. Goddard (Eds.), The empirical and institutional dimensions of smart specialisation (pp. 39-56). (Regions and Cities; Vol. 112). Routledge.
Hans, L., Edzes, A., & Koster, S. (2017). Ondernemerschap in Zuidoost Drenthe: Eindrapport. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Koster, S., & Hans, L. (2017, Jul). Veel drukte om niets? Regionale patronen in ondernemerschap. Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap.


Morkute, G., & Koster, S. (2018). Human capital as a location factor: an empirical investigation of relocating firms and their labour force in the Netherlands. Papers in Regional Science, 97(3), 595-616.
Rijnks, R., Koster, S., & McCann, P. (2018). Spatial Heterogeneity in Amenity and Labor Market Migration. International Regional Science Review, 41(2), 183-209.
Morkute, G., Koster, S., & van Dijk, J. (2017). Employment Growth and Inter-industry Job Reallocation: Spatial Patterns and Relatedness. Regional Studies, 51(6), 958-971.
Koster, S. (2016). Aan de Grens. Economische Ontwikkeling in het Waddengebied. In Visies op de Wadden (pp. 76-90). (Position paper ; Vol. 2016, No. 3). Waddenacademie.
Andersson, M., Koster, S., & Lavesson, N. (2016). Are start-ups the same everywhere? The urban-rural skill gap in Swedish entrepreneurship. In Geographies of Entrepreneurship (pp. 122-142). (Routledge studies in human geography). Routledge.
Fahmi, F. Z., McCann, P., & Koster, S. (2016). Creative economy policy in developing countries: The case of Indonesia. Web publication/site
Koster, S. (2016). Entrepreneurship, Human Capital, and Regional Development: Labor Networks, Knowledge Flows, and Industrial Growth, edited by Rui Baptista and João Leitão. 2015. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 401 + vi. ISBN: 9783319128702. Journal of Regional Science, 56(3), 547-548.
Delfmann, H., & Koster, S. (2016). The effect of new business creation on employment growth in regions facing population decline. The Annals of Regional Science, 56(1), 33-54.
Fahmi, F. Z., Koster, S., & van Dijk, J. (2016). The location of creative industries in a developing country: The case of Indonesia. Cities, 59, 66-79.


Fahmi, F. Z., McCann, P., & Koster, S. (2017). Creative economy policy in developing countries: The case of Indonesia. Urban Studies, 54(6), 1367-1384.
Koster, S., & Kapitsinis, N. (2015). Analysing the geography of high-impact entrepreneurship. In C. Karlsson, M. Andersson, & T. Norman (Eds.), Handbook Of Research Methods And Applications In Economic Geography (pp. 597-613). (Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications series ). Edward Elgar Publishing.
van der Mei, H. G., & Koster, S. (2015). Gluren bij de buren. ROM: maandblad voor ruimtelijke ordening, (7/8), 30-32. Unspecifie
Koster, S. (2015). Op weg naar succes? Studentondernemerschap. Agora, 31(3), 46-46.
Hans, L., & Koster, S. (2015). Steden zijn pijlers van noordelijk ondernemerschap. Kijk op het noorden (maandelijks signalement van het economische, culturele, maatschappelijke en recreatieve leven in Noord-Nederland), (sep/okt).


Koster, S., & Venhorst, V. (2014). Geslaagd in de stad. girugten.
Markantoni, M., Strijker, D., & Koster, S. (2014). Motives for starting up a side activity in rural areas in the Netherlands. Local Economy, 29(6-7), 723-739.
Koster, S., & Venhorst, V. (2014). Moving shop: residential and business relocation by the highly educated self-employed. Spatial Economic Analysis, 9(4), 436-464.
Delfmann, H., Koster, S., McCann, P., & van Dijk, J. (2014). Population change and new firm formation in urban and rural regions. Regional Studies, 48(6), 1034-1050.
Koschinsky, J., Koster, S., Patuelli, R., Royuela, V., & Tselios, V. (2014). REGION - the online open-access journal of ERSA. REGION : the Journal of ERSA, 1(1), 1-3.
Markantoni, M., Koster, S., & Strijker, D. (2014). Side-activity entrepreneur: Lifestyle or economically oriented? In C. Karlsson, B. Johansson, & R. R. Stough (Eds.), Agglomeration, Clusters and Entrepreneurship: Studies in Regional Economic Development (pp. 132-156). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Markantoni, M., Koster, S., & Strijker, D. (2014). Side activity Entrepreneur: Lifestyle or Economic Oriented. In Agglomeration, Clusters and Entrepreneurship: Studies in Regional Economic Development Edward Elgar Publishing.
Koster, S., & van Stel, A. (2014). The relationship between start-ups, market mobility and employment growth: An empirical analysis for Dutch regions. Papers in Regional Science, 93(1), 203-217.
Abreu, M., Koster, S., & Venhorst, V. (2014). Transitions and Location Choice: Analysing the Decisions of Students and Recent Graduates. Spatial Economic Analysis, 9(4), 349-354.


Markantoni, M., Koster, S., Strijker, D., & Woolvin, M. (2013). Contributing to a Vibrant Countryside? The Impact of Side Activities on Rural Development. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 104(3), 292-307.
Venhorst, V. A., Koster, S., & Dijk, J. V. (2013). Geslaagd in de stad. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Markantoni, M., Strijker, D., & Koster, S. (2013). Growth expectations for side activities in rural areas. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 20(3), 584-602.
Koster, S. (2013). Van microdata naar conclusies. Lisa nieuws, 18(26), 7.


Koster, S. (2012). Handbook of research on entrepreneurship and regional development. Papers in Regional Science, 91(4), 875-877.
Delfmann, H., & Koster, S. (2012). Knowledge transfer between SMEs and higher education institutes: The differences between universities and colleges of higher education. Industry and Higher Education, 26(1), 31-42.
Koster, S., van Stel, A., & Folkeringa, M. (2012). Start-ups as drivers of market mobility: an analysis at the region-sector level for The Netherlands. Small Business Economics, 39(3), 575-585.


Delfmann, H., Koster, S., & Pellenbarg, P. H. (2011). Belang van het hbo voor de regionale economie. Kenniscirculatie tussen het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf en hogescholen in de regio. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen/ NICIS Institute.
Koster, S., & de vries, N. (2011). Bundeling van kracht, of gezamenlijk op jacht? De relatie tussen netwerkpositie en het economisch presteren van zzp'ers. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 27(3), 325 - 344.
Koster, S. (2011). Individual foundings and organizational foundings: their effect on employment growth in The Netherlands. Small Business Economics, 36(4), 485-501.
Andersson, M., & Koster, S. (2011). Sources of persistence in regional start-up rates-evidence from Sweden. Journal of Economic Geography, 11(1), 179-201.
Venhorst, V. A., Koster, S., Delfmann, H., van Dijk, J., & Pellenbarg, P. H. (2011). Steden en kennisinstellingen. NICIS.
Koster, S., & de vries, N. (2011). The networks of the solo self-employed and their success. EIM Research Report.
Koster, S., & van Stel, A. (2011). The relationship between start-ups, market mobility and employment growth: An empirical analysis for Dutch regions. EIM Research Report.
Koster, S., Brouwer, A. E., & van Leeuwen, E. (2011). The welfare effect of economic diversity in rural regions: An Analysis of Dutch Municipalities. In G. Alsos, S. Carter, E. Ljunggren, & F. Welter (Eds.), The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Rural Development Edward Elgar Publishing.
Koster, S., & Edzes, A. J. E. (2011). Topsectoren behoeven eenduidige definiëring. Economische Statistische Berichten, 96(4622), 684 - 685.


Delfmann, H., Koster, S., & Pellenbarg, P. H. (2010). Het hoger beroepsonderwijs als bron van kenniscirculatie. TH&MA, 17(2), 4 - 8.
Koster, S., & Karlsson, C. (2010). New firm formation and economic development in a globalizing economy. In C. Karlsson, B. Johansson, & R. Stough (Eds.), Entrepreneurship and regional development. Local processes and global patterns (pp. 3). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Koster, S. (2010). Productive Places. The Influence of Technological Change and Relatedness on Agglomeration Externalities by Frank Nefke. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 101(3), 365-366.
Andersson, M., & Koster, S. (2010). Regional stability of new firm formation rates - Evidence of a regional entrepreneurial culture. In H. Westlund, & K. Kobayashi (Eds.), Social capital and development trends in rural areas RUREG.
Koster, S., van Stel, A., & Folkeringa, M. (2010). Start-ups as drivers of incumbent firm mobility: An analysis at the region-sector level for the Netherlands. EIM Research Report.
Veen, M. L., Koster, S., & Groote, P. (2010). Zelfstandig ondernemerschap door mensen met een lichamelijke beperking. Medische Antropologie, 22(2), 397 - 411.


Delfmann, H., Koster, S., & Pellenbarg, P. H. (2009). Kenniscirculatie in de regio: de rol van het HBO. Relaties met het bedrijfsleven en ondernemerschap. NICIS Institute / Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Koster, S., & Karlsson, . (2009). New firm formation and economic development in a globalizing economy. (WP167 ed.) Jönköping International Business School.
Markantoni, M., Koster, S., & Strijker, D. (2009, Aug 17). Side-activity Entrepreneur: Lifestyle or Economic Oriented?
Koster, S., van Stel, A., & Folkeringa, M. (2009). Start-ups as drivers of incumbent firm mobility: An analysis at the region-sector level for the Netherlands. Economisch Instituut van het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf.
Koster, S. (2009). Taking the first hurdle. The effects of industry specific skills and support on survival during the founding process. Romanian Journal of Regional Science, 3(1), 36 - 62.


Koster, S., & Rai, S. K. (2008). Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in a Developing Country: A Case Study of India. Journal of Entrepreneurship, 17(2), 117-137.


Koster, S. (2007). Applied evolutionary economics and economic geography. Papers in Regional Science, 86(4), 661-663.
Weterings, A., & Koster, S. (2007). Inheriting knowledge and sustaining relationships: What stimulates the innovative performance of small software firms in the Netherlands? Research Policy, 36(3), 320-335.
Koster, S. (2007). Ondernemerschap, saaier dan je denkt. Agora, 23.
Koster, S. (2007). The entrepreneurial and replication function of new firm formation. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 98(5), 667-674.
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