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Koning, Prof. Ruud

Ruud Koning
Ruud Koning

Ruud Koning is Professor by Special Appointment in Sports Economics via the W.J.H. Mulier Institute (a centre for socioscientific sports research).  He graduated ‘cum laude’ in Econometrics at the University of Groningen in 1988 and in 1995 he gained his PhD at the same university with a thesis entitled ‘Essays on applied microeconometrics’.  Since then, he worked as Academy Researcher and spent time at Brown University in the US.  He has been active in research at the interface of economics, statistics and sport for a considerable time now, focusing, for example, on measurement and determination of competitive balance in different sports, market mechanisms in professional football (for the Ministry of Economic Affairs), and the informational content of prices on betting markets. He has extensive experience with  prediction models for analysing large-scale football tournaments. 'It should always be open season on doping, but it’s inherent to the sport,' according to Koning in a blog on the FEBlogs. 'Availability creates demand, and sportspeople will do anything to gain an edge in competition.'


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Last modified:17 June 2024 09.43 a.m.
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