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Keijzer, Prof. Merel

Merel Keijzer
Merel Keijzer

Merel Keijzer is Professor of Linguistics & English as a Second Language. She performs her research on second language acquisition and bilingualism, with a special focus on multilingualism and aging. What is the best way (for the elderly) to learn English and can English learning have a positive effect on (mental) health? In her new position as Professor she will focus on developing education in the field of English linguistics and English language development, from primary school to bilingual secondary education, as well as conduct research into existing English language methods, language education to the elderly and cognitive effects.

Keijzer specializes in the language and cognitive control of bilingual people throughout their lives, with a special focus on bilingualism and cognitive ageing. She uses techniques from both behavioural psychology and neuro-imaging to chart the effects that patterns in the language use of individual bilingual people have on the type and extent of cognitive benefit at a later age. She also studies how using two languages can be isolated from other factors that influence the cognitive reserve, such as musical training, stimulating social activities and physical exercise. In 2018 Keijzer was awarded a Vidi grant. In het project she will research the effectiveness of foreign language learning for healthy older people and for those with mild cognitive impairment and late-life depression.

In 2017 Merel Keijzer joined De Jonge Akademie (DJA), a platform within the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) for young, world-class scientists and scholars with an innovative vision on science and scholarship and related policy.

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Last modified:04 July 2024 08.43 a.m.
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