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Hertogh, Prof. Marc

Marc Hertogh
Marc Hertogh

Marc Hertogh (1968) is Professor of Sociology of Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen. He studied law in Leiden and gained his PhD there in 1997. Before he was appointed in Groningen in 2005 he worked as a postdoc, university lecturer and university reader at the University of Tilburg. Hertogh’s research concentrates, inter alia, on the social experience of law and governance. Other themes in his research include the social effects of legislation as well as dispensation of justice and dispute settlement and their consequences. In addition, he regularly conducts research and consultancy assignments for third parties. He was also a staff member of the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into Investigation Methods (the ‘Van Traa Committee’) and member of the ‘Commissie Uitdragen kernwaarden van de rechtsstaat’ [committee for the propagation of core values of the constitutional state, established by the Minister of Justice].

In 2019, an investigative committee led by Hertogh presented a report about the position of the WODC, the national Research and Documentation Centre of the Ministry of Security and Justice, regarding the question of whether the WODC is able to work independently within the Ministry. According to the researchers, the WODC’s independence has been harmed. The Ministry’s civil servants regularly try to influence academic research.

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Last modified:09 June 2023 8.36 p.m.
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