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Jayawardhana, prof. dr. ir. Bayu

Bayu Jayawardhana
Bayu Jayawardhana

Bayu Jayawardhana is hoogleraar aan de Faculty of Science and Engineering en wetenschappelijk directeur van het Engineering and Technology institute Groningen (ENTEG). Jayawardhana is gespecialiseerd in robotica, mechatronica en niet-lineaire regeltechniek. Het werk van Jayawardhana is voornamelijk gericht op het ontwikkelen van technieken en systemen die relevant zijn voor maatschappelijk gebruik. Zijn projecten en uitvindingen worden toegepast in het ontwikkelen van medische apparatuur, het opwekken van schone energie en werktuigbouwkunde. Jayawardhana ziet technisch opgeleide mensen als een noodzaak voor de maakindustrie van de toekomst.

Jayawardhana heeft samen met prof. Antonis Vakis en drs. Wout Prins Jayawardhana aan het Ocean Grazer-project gewerkt. De Ocean Grazer is een machine die het deinen van oceaangolven kan gebruiken om energie op te wekken. Het uiteindelijke doel van dit project is om golfenergie als volwaardig alternatief te brengen voor het opwekken van groene energie.

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Almuzakki, Z., Jayawardhana, B., Tanwani, A., & Vakis, A. I. (2025). Exponential stabilization of linear systems using nearest-action control with countable input set. Systems & Control Letters, 196, Article 105992.
Jiang, T., Zouridi, L., Li, N., Binas, V., Stuart, M. C. A., Aravind, P. V., Jayawardhana, B., Pescarmona, P. P., & Kyriakou, V. (2024). Activation of low-cost stainless-steel electrodes for efficient and stable anion-exchange membrane water electrolysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024(43), 29909-29922.
Ragghav, A., Almuzakki, Z., Jayawardhana, B., & Mahindrakar, A. D. (2024). Asymptotic Stabilization of Passive Nonlinear Systems with Finite Countable Control Actions: Mixed switching – nearest action control approach. In 22nd European Control Conference (pp. 960-967). EUCA. Advance online publication.
Marcantoni, M., Langeveld, E., Jayawardhana, B., & Bunte, K. (Accepted/In press). Bearing-Only Distance Estimator for Localization and Mapping. In 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control IEEE.
Li, T., & Jayawardhana, B. (2024). Collision-free Source Seeking Control Methods for Unicycle Robots. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Advance online publication.
Chen, J., Jayawardhana, B., & Garcia de Marina Peinado, H. (2024). Distributed Distance-based Formation-Motion Control of Unicycle Agents without Orientation Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. Advance online publication.
Şekercioğlu, P., Jayawardhana, B., Sarras, I., Loria, A., & Marzat, J. (Accepted/In press). Formation Control of Cooperative-Competitive Robot Manipulators with Inter-agent Constraints. In 4th IFAC Conference of Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems IFAC.
Rosa, M. R., Berkel, A., & Jayawardhana, B. (2024). Image-Based Visual Relative Information for Distributed Rigid Formation Control in 3D Space. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8, 658-663.
Gupta, C., Hoogenboom, W., Jayawardhana, B., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2024). Inkjet-printed Electrohydraulic Actuator. In IEEE Sensors 2024: The 23rd IEEE Conference on Sensors IEEE.
Guo, M., Jayawardhana, B., Lee, J. G., & Shim, H. (2024). Maintaining and steering a formation in an unknown dynamic environment via a consistent distributed dynamic map. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 34(13), 8785-8801.
Keulen, J., & Jayawardhana, B. (2024). Newton and Secant Methods for Iterative Remnant Control of Preisach Hysteresis Operators. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8, 1721 - 1726.
Chen, J., Marcantoni, M., & Jayawardhana, B. (Accepted/In press). Range-only distributed formation control and network localization based on distributed contracting bearing estimators. In 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control IEEE.
Bechlenberg, A., Luning, E. A., Saltık, M. B., Szirbik, N. B., Jayawardhana, B., & Vakis, A. I. (2024). Renewable energy system sizing with power generation and storage functions accounting for its optimized activity on multiple electricity markets. Applied Energy, 360, Article 122742.
Şekercioğlu, P., Jayawardhana, B., Sarras, I., Loria, A., & Marzat, J. (2024). Robust Formation Control of Robot Manipulators with Inter-agent Constraints over Undirected Signed Networks. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. Advance online publication.
Chen, J., Jayawardhana, B., & de Marina, H. G. (2024). Scaling up the Formation of Agents With Heterogeneous Sensing: Mixed Distance and Bearing-Only. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(11), 8011-8017.
Bhatt, N., & Jayawardhana, B. (Accepted/In press). Sparse Identification of Chemical Reaction Networks from Concentration-time Series. In 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems IFAC.
Prawira Negara, A., Jayawardhana, B., & Euverink, G. J. W. (2024). The Effect of Glycerol on Microbial Community in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant. Water, 16(17), Article 2517.


Nuno, E., Sarras, I., Yin, H., & Jayawardhana, B. (2024). Consensus of Euler-Lagrange Agents with Internal Model Disturbance Rejection and Interconnection Delays. IEEE-Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(6), 4066-4071.
Rosa, T. E., de Paula Carvalho, L., Gleizer, G. A., & Jayawardhana, B. (2024). Fault detection for LTI systems using data-driven dissipativity analysis. Mechatronics, 97, Article 103111.
Sutrisno, S., Yin, H., Trenn, S., & Jayawardhana, B. (2024). Nonlinear Singular Switched Systems in Discrete-Time: Solution Theory and Incremental Stability under Restricted Switching Signals. In 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 914-919). IEEE.
Guo, M., & Jayawardhana, B. (2024). Simultaneous Distributed Localization, Formation and Group Motion Control: A Distributed Filter Approach. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. Advance online publication.
Bechlenberg, A., Wei, Y., Jayawardhana, B., & Vakis, A. I. (2023). Analysing the influence of power take-off adaptability on the power extraction of dense wave energy converter arrays. Renewable Energy, 211, 1-12.
Bechlenberg, A., Wei, Y., Jayawardhana, B., & Vakis, A. I. (2023). Analysis of the impact of floater interactions on the power extraction of a dense WEC array with adaptable nonlinear PTO. Paper presented at 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.
Reyes-Báez, R., González-Romeo, L. L., Guerrero-Castellanos, J. F., & Jayawardhana, B. (2023). Contractivity-based Variable Gain Dynamic Motion Control for a Laser Beam Steering System: Synthesis and performance analysis. Control Engineering Practice, 135, Article 105517.
Almuzakki, Z., & Jayawardhana, B. (2023). Cooperative Nearest-Neighbor Control of Multi-Agent Systems: Consensus and Formation Control Problems. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, 1873-1878.
van den Born, J., Eggens, M., Nieuwenhuizen, A., Jellema, W., Navarro, R., & Jayawardhana, B. (2023). Cryogenic characterisation of a permanent magnet stepper motor and its impact on the MICADO atmospheric dispersion corrector. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Rosa, T. E., & Jayawardhana, B. (2023). Data-driven dissipative verification of LTI systems: Multiple shots of data, QDF supply-rate and application to a planar manipulator. Manuscript submitted for publication. In Recent Developments in Model-based and Data-driven Methods for Advanced Control and Diagnosis (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control). Springer.
Chen, J., Jayawardhana, B., & De Marina, H. G. (2023). Distance-based Formation-Motion Control for Unicycle Agents. In 2023 American Control Conference, ACC 2023 (pp. 1036-1041). (Proceedings of the American Control Conference; Vol. 2023-May). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Rosa, R., & Jayawardhana, B. (2023). Distributed Adaptive Formation Control for Uncertain Point Mass Agents with Mixed Dimensional Space. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, 2725 - 2730.
Peng, Z., Jayawardhana, B., & Xin, X. (2023). Distributed formation control of end-effector of mixed planar fully- and under-actuated manipulators. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, 3735-3740.
Sengupta, D., Lu, E., Ribas Gomes, D., Jayawardhana, B., Pei, Y., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2023). Fabric-like electrospun PVAc-graphene nanofiber webs as wearable and degradable piezocapacitive sensors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 22351–22366.
Carvalho, L., Palma, J. M., Morais, C. F., Jayawardhana, B., & Costa, O. L. V. (2023). Gain Scheduled Fault Detection Filter for Markovian Jump Linear System with Nonhomogeneous Markov Chain. Mathematics, 11(7), Article 1713.
Nienhuis, R. M., van Rooij, M., Prins, W. A., Jayawardhana, B., & Vakis, A. I. (2023). Investigating the efficiency of a novel offshore pumped hydro energy storage system: Experimental study on a scale prototype. Journal of Energy Storage, 74, Article 109374.
Sutrisno, S., Yin, H., Trenn, S., & Jayawardhana, B. (2023). Nonlinear singular switched systems in discrete-time: Solution theory and (incremental) stability under fixed switching signals. 148. Abstract from 42nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, Netherlands.
Yin, H., Jayawardhana, B., & Trenn, S. (2023). On contraction analysis of switched systems with mixed contracting-noncontracting modes via mode-dependent average dwell time. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(10).
Marcantoni, M., Jayawardhana, B., & Bunte, K. (2023). Range-Only Bearing Estimator for Localization and Mapping. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, 2503 - 2508.
Nuño, E., Sarras, I., Yin, H., & Jayawardhana, B. (2023). Robust Leaderless Consensus of Euler-Lagrange Systems with Interconnection Delays. In 2023 American Control Conference, ACC 2023 (pp. 1547-1552). (Proceedings of the American Control Conference; Vol. 2023-May). IEEE.
Bhatt, N., Jayawardhana, B., & Plaza, S. S. E. (2023). SINDy-CRN: Sparse Identification of Chemical Reaction Networks from Data. In 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2023 (pp. 3512-3518). (Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Yin, H., Jayawardhana, B., & Trenn, S. (2023). Stability of switched systems with multiple equilibria: a mixed stable-unstable subsystem case. Systems & Control Letters, 180, Article 105622.
Gao, Q., Bechlenberg, A., Vakis, A. I., Ertugrul, N., Jayawardhana, B., & Ding, B. (2023). Techno-Economic Assessment of Offshore Wind and Hybrid Wind-Wave Farms with Energy Storage Systems. Manuscript submitted for publication.


Wu, H., Jayawardhana, B., Garcia de Marina, H., & Xu, D. (2023). Distributed formation control for manipulator end-effectors. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(9), 5413-5428.
Marcantoni, M., Jayawardhana, B., Chaher, M. P., & Bunte, K. (2023). Secure Formation Control via Edge Computing Enabled by Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Mixed Uniform-Logarithmic Quantization. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, 395-400.
Mahajna, A., Dinkla, I. J. T., Euverink, G.-J., Keesman, K. J., & Jayawardhana, B. (2022). Clean and Safe Drinking Water Systems via Metagenomics Data and Artificial Intelligence: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspective: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspective. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, Article 832452.
Li, T., & Jayawardhana, B. (2022). Collision-free Source Seeking Control Methods for Unicycle Robots. arXiv.
Saltik, M. B., Jayawardhana, B., & Cherukuri, A. (2022). Iterative Learning and Model Predictive Control for Repetitive Nonlinear Systems via Koopman Operator Approximation. In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2022 (pp. 3059-3065). (Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; Vol. 2022-December). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Prawira Negara, A., Burohman, A., & Jayawardhana, B. (2022). Kron Reduction of Open Chemical Reaction Network: Zero-Moment Matching and a Priori Error Bound Via Generalized Gramian (I). In M. H. Baumann, L. Grüne, B. J. Jacob, & K. Worthmann (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2022) (IFAC-PapersOnLine series; Vol. 55). IFAC-PapersOnLine.
Schmerbauch, A. E. M., Krushynska, A., Vakis, A. I., & Jayawardhana, B. (2022). Modular kirigami arrays for distributed actuation systems in adaptive optics. Physical Review Applied, 17, Article 044012 .
Almuzakki, Z., Jayawardhana, B., & Tanwani, A. (2022). Nearest Neighbor Control For Practical Stabilization of Passive Nonlinear Systems. Automatica, 141, Article 110278.
Sengupta, D., Kamat, A. M., Smit, Q., Jayawardhana, B., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2022). Piezoresistive 3D graphene-PDMS spongy pressure sensors for IoT enabled wearables and smart products. Flexible and Printed Electronics, 7(1).
Sanchez Escalonilla Plaza, S., Reyes-Báez, R., & Jayawardhana, B. (2022). Stabilization of Underactuated Systems of Degree One via Neural Interconnection and Damping Assignment - Passivity Based Control. In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2022 (pp. 2463-2468). (Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; Vol. 2022-December). IEEE.
van den Born, J., Romp, R., Janssen, A. W., Navarro, R., Jellema, W., Tolstoy, E., Jayawardhana, B., & Hartl, M. (2022). The MICADO Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector: Optomechanical design, expected performance and calibration techniques. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation Article Paper 12184-105 (Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Vol. 12184). SPIE (Astronomical, Telescopes and Instrumentation).
Reyes-Báez, R., van der Schaft, A., & Jayawardhana, B. (2022). Virtual contractivity-based control of fully-actuated mechanical systems in the port-Hamiltonian framework. Automatica, 141, Article 110275.


Vasquez Beltran, M., Jayawardhana, B., & Peletier, R. (2023). Modeling and analysis of Duhem hysteresis operators with butterfly loops. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(10), 5977 - 5990.
Wu, H., Jayawardhana, B., Garcia de Marina Peinado, H., & Xu, D. (2022). Distributed formation control of manipulators' end-effector with internal model-based disturbance rejection. In 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 5568-5575). IEEE.
Vasquez-Beltran, M. A., Jayawardhana, B., & Peletier, R. (2022). On the Characterization of Butterfly and Multiloop Hysteresis Behavior. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(7), 3494-3506.
Rosa, T. E., & Jayawardhana, B. (2022). On the One-Shot Data-Driven Verification of Dissipativity of LTI Systems with General Quadratic Supply Rate Function. In 2021 European Control Conference (ECC): Proceedings (pp. 1291-1296). EUCA.
Tri Cahyono, R., Kenaka, S. P., & Jayawardhana, B. (2022). Simultaneous allocation and scheduling of quay cranes, yard cranes, and trucks in dynamical integrated container terminal operations. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(7), 8564-8578.
Li, T., Jayawardhana, B., Kamat, A. M., & Kottapalli, A. (2022). Source Seeking Control of Unicycle Robots with 3-D-Printed Flexible Piezoresistive Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 38(1), 448-462.
Sanchez Escalonilla Plaza, S., Reyes-Báez, R., & Jayawardhana, B. (2022). Total Energy Shaping with Neural Interconnection and Damping Assignment - Passivity Based Control. In R. Firoozi, N. Mehr, E. Yel, R. Antonova, J. Bohg, M. Schwager, & M. Kochenderfer (Eds.), 4th Annual Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research ; Vol. 168, No. 1). MLR Press.
Li, T., Jayawardhana, B., Kamat, A. M., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2021). 3D-printed Flexible Piezoresistive Sensors-based Source Seeking Control of Unicycle Robots. 71. Abstract from Benelux meeting on Systems and Control 2021, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Bechlenberg, A., Wei, Y., Jayawardhana, B., & Vakis, A. I. (2021). Analysis of power take-off adaptability in dense wave energy converter arrays. In Proceedings of the ICOE 2021
Schmerbauch, A. E. M., Vakis, A. I., & Jayawardhana, B. (2021). Electrical coupling analysis of 2D time-multiplexing memory actuators exhibiting asymmetric butterfly hysteresis. Journal of Applied Physics, 130, Article 134502.
de Paula Carvalho, L., Jayawardhana, B., & Luiz do Valle Costa, O. (2021). Fault Detection Filter for Discrete-Time Markov Jump Lur’e Systems. In 2021 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 1826-1831). IEEE.
de Paula Carvalho, L., Palma, J. M., Rosa, T. E., Jayawardhana, B., & Luiz do Valle Costa, O. (2021). Gain-Scheduled Controller for Fault Accommodation in Linear Parameter Varying Systems with Imprecise Measurements. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54(8 SI), 57-63.
Carvalho, L. P., Palma, J. M., Rosa, T. E., Jayawardhana, B., & Costa, O. L. V. (2021). Gain-Scheduled Fault Detection Filter For Discrete-time LPV Systems. IEEE Access, 9, 143349-143365.
Huisman, R., Bruijn, M. P., Damerio, S., Eggens, M., Kazmi, S. N. R., Schmerbauch, A., Smit, H., Vasquez Beltran, M., van der Veer, E., Acuautla, M., Jayawardhana, B., & Noheda, B. (2021). High pixel number deformable mirror concept utilizing piezoelectric hysteresis for stable shape configurations. Journal of astronomical telescopes instruments and systems, 7(2), 1 - 18. Article 029002.
Perez Chaher, M., Jayawardhana, B., & Kim, J. (2021). Homomorphic Encryption-enabled Distance-based Distributed Formation Control with Distance Mismatch Estimators. In 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 4915-4922). IEEE.
Wei, Y., Bechlenberg, A., Jayawardhana, B., & Vakis, A. I. (2021). Modelling of a wave energy converter array with non-linear power take-off using a mixed time-domain/frequency-domain method. IET Renewable Power Generation, 15(14), 3220-3231.
Wu, H., Xu, D., & Jayawardhana, B. (2021). On self-learning mechanism for the output regulation of second-order affine nonlinear systems. IEEE-Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(11), 5964 - 5979.
Yin, H., Jayawardhana, B., & Reyes-Baez, R. (2021). Pinning synchronization of heterogeneous multi-agent nonlinear systems via contraction analysis. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, 157-162.
Yin, H., Jayawardhana, B., & Reyes-Báez, R. (2021). Pinning synchronization of heterogeneous multiagent nonlinear systems via contraction analysis. 58. Abstract from Benelux meeting on Systems and Control 2021, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Chan, N., Jayawardhana, B., & Garcia de Marina Peinado, H. (2021). Stability Analysis of Gradient-Based Distributed Formation Control with Heterogeneous Sensing Mechanism: the Three Robot Case. IEEE-Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(8), 4285 - 4292.


Chan, N., Jayawardhana, B., & Garcia de Marina Peinado, H. (2021). Angle-Constrained Formation Control for Circular Mobile Robots. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5(1), 109-114.
Kamat, A. M., Zheng, X., Jayawardhana, B., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2021). Bioinspired PDMS-graphene cantilever flow sensors using 3D printing and replica moulding. Nanotechnology, 32(9), Article 095501.
Kamat, A. M., Pei, Y. T., Jayawardhana, B., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2021). Biomimetic Soft Polymer Microstructures and Piezoresistive Graphene MEMS Sensors using Sacrificial Metal 3D Printing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(1), 1094-1104.
González-Romeo, L. L., Reyes Báez, R., Guerrero-Castellanos, J. F., Jayawardhana, B., Cid-Monjaraz, J. J., & Félix-Beltrán, O. G. (2021). Contraction Based Nonlinear Controller for a Laser Beam Stabilization System using a Variable Gain. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5(3), 761-766. Article 9127509.
Dresscher, M., & Jayawardhana, B. (2021). Prescribing Transient and Asymptotic Behavior to Deterministic Systems with Stochastic Initial Conditions. International Journal of Control, 94(12), 3506-3519.
Vasquez Beltran, M., Jayawardhana, B., & Peletier, R. (2021). Recursive algorithm for the control of output remnant of Preisach hysteresis operator. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5(3), 1061-1066. Article 9141354.
Reyes Báez, R., van der Schaft, A., Jayawardhana, B., & Pan, L. (2020). A family of virtual contraction based controllers for tracking of flexible-joints port-Hamiltonian robots: Theory and experiments. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 30(8), 3269-3295.
Born, J. A. V. D., Jellema, W., Navarro, R., Tolstoy, E., Jayawardhana, B., & Janssen, A. W. (2020). A Fourier optics approach to evaluate the astrometric performance of MICADO. In G. Z. Angeli, & P. Dierickx (Eds.), Proceedings Volume 11450, Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy IX; (Vol. 11450). Article 114500V (Proceedings of SPIE). SPIE.
Saha, U., Kamat, A. M., Sengupta, D., Jayawardhana, B., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2020). A Low-Cost Lung Monitoring Point-Of-Care Device Based On A Flexible Piezoresistive Flow Sensor. In 2020 IEEE SENSORS Proceedings IEEE.
Alpizar-Castillo, J., Muhammad Zaki Almuzakki, M., Wei, Y., Muñoz Arias, M., Vakis, A. I., & Jayawardhana, B. (Accepted/In press). An energy extraction optimization port-Hamiltonian model-based algorithm for the Ocean Grazer Wave Energy Converter. In INDETEC 2020 IEEE.
Andrieu, V., Jayawardhana, B., & Praly, L. (2020). Characterizations of global transversal exponential stability. IEEE-Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(8), 3682-3694.
Carvalho, L. P., Rosa, T. E., Jayawardhana, B., & Costa, O. L. V. (2020). Fault accommodation controller under Markovian jump linear systems with asynchronous modes. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 30(18), 8503-8520.
Rosa, T. E., de Paula Carvalho, L., Jayawardhana, B., & Luiz do Valle Costa, O. (2020). Fault-compensation Controller for LPV Systems. 59. Abstract from 39th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, Netherlands.
de Paula Carvalho, L., Esteves Rosa, T., Jayawardhana, B., & Luiz do Valle Costa, O. (2020). Fault Compensation Controller for Markovian Jump Linear Systems. In Proc. 21st IFAC World Congress (pp. 4103-4108). (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Vol. 53, No. 2). Elsevier.
Mercere, G., Medvedev, A., Rivera, D. E., Scoglio, C., & Jayawardhana, B. (2020). Foreword Identification and Control in Biomedical Applications. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(1), 1-2. Article 8944255.
Chan, N., & Jayawardhana, B. (2020). Formation Control for Circular Robots. 70. Abstract from 39th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, Netherlands.
Schmerbauch, A., Vasquez Beltran, M., Vakis, A. I., Jayawardhana, B., & Huisman, R. (2020). High Pixel Number Deformable Mirror Concept Utilizing Piezoelectric Hysteresis for Stable Shape Configurations. 123. Abstract from 39th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, Netherlands.
Schmerbauch, A. E. M., Vasquez-Beltran, M. A., Vakis, A., Huisman, R., & Jayawardhana, B. (2020). Influence functions for a hysteretic deformable mirror with a high-density 2D array of actuators. Applied Optics, 59(27), 8077-8088.
Schmerbauch, A. E. M., Vakis, A. I., Huisman, R., & Jayawardhana, B. (2020). Modeling and analysis of a hysteretic deformable mirror with electrically coupled actuators. In 2020 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM) (pp. 1929-1934). Article 9158999 (IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM; Vol. 2020-July). IEEE.
Muhammad Zaki Almuzakki, M., Jayawardhana, B., & Tanwani, A. (2020). Nearest Neighbor Control For Incrementally Passive Nonlinear Systems With Known Constant Input. 80. Abstract from 39th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, Netherlands.
Wu, H., Xu, D., & Jayawardhana, B. (2020). Output regulation of Euler-Lagrange systems based on error and velocity feedback. In J. Fu, & J. Sun (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Chinese Control ConferenceJuly 27-29, 2020, Shenyang, China (pp. 604-609). Article 9189351 (Chinese Control Conference, CCC; Vol. 2020-July). IEEE.
Kamat, A. M., Jayawardhana, B., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2020). PDMS Flow Sensors With Graphene Piezoresistors Using 3D Printing and Soft Lithography. In 2020 IEEE SENSORS Proceedings IEEE.
Vasquez Beltran, M., Jayawardhana, B., & Peletier, R. (2020). Set Stability of Luré Systems With Preisach Butterfly Operator. 34. Abstract from 39th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, Netherlands.
Guo, M., Jayawardhana, B., Lee, J. G., & Shim, H. (2020). Simultaneous Distributed Localization, Mapping and Formation Control of Mobile Robots Based Local Relative Measurement. 71. Abstract from 39th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Elspeet, Netherlands.
Guo, M., Jayawardhana, B., Lee, J. G., & Shim, H. (2020). Simultaneous distributed localization, mapping and formation control of mobile robots based on local relative measurements. In R. Findeisen, S. Hirche, K. Janschek, & M. Mönnigmann (Eds.), 21st IFAC World Congress: Proceedings (pp. 9614-9620). (IFAC PaperOnLine; Vol. 53, No. 2). IFAC.


Fang, Z., Jayawardhana, B., van der Schaft, A., & Gao, C. (2020). Adaptation mechanisms in phosphorylation cycles by allosteric binding and gene autoregulation. IEEE-Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(8), 3457-3470. Article 8861075.
Vasquez Beltran, M., Jayawardhana, B., & Peletier, R. (2020). Asymptotic Stability Analysis of Lur'e Systems With Butterfly Hysteresis Nonlinearities. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 4(2), 349-354. Article 8755307.
Barradas Berglind, J., Wisniewski, R., & Jayawardhana, B. (2020). Model Predictive Control with Fatigue-Damage Minimization through the Dissipativity Property of Hysteresis Operators. European Journal of Control, 54, 140-151.
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