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Zock, Prof. Hetty

Hetty Zock
Hetty Zock

Hetty Zock (Schiedam, 1957) is Professor of Psychology of Religion, with particular attention to the domain of spiritual care. She studied theology and subsequently followed the Theological Training Programme in Leiden. She then went on to work for Leiden University and as a pastoral carer at the Vereniging van Vrijzinnige Hervormden in Leiden / Oegstgeest, followed by an appointment as a minister at the Buitengewone Wijkgemeente der Vrijzinnige Hervormden in Delft. In 1999, Zock was appointed lecturer in Psychology of Religion at the University of Groningen, later followed by the professorship.

Zock focuses on topics such as religious-psychological research into contemporary processes of ‘sense-making’ and identity formation, including the importance of art as a source of meaning and life orientation. In addition, Zock researches the changing vocation of pastoral carer in the current philosophical context. At the moment she is setting up a research project to investigate care of the elderly.

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Last modified:29 April 2024 2.24 p.m.
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