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Rink, prof. dr. Floor

Floor Rink
Floor Rink

Floor Rink is hoogleraar Organizational Behaviour and Identity Management aan de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. Zij studeerde organisatiepsychologie aan de RUG en promoveerde cum laude in de sociale psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden. Rink onderzoekt diversiteit in organisaties. Ze richt zich daarbij op het functioneren van mensen met een afwijkende mening of achtergrond binnen organisaties. Vragen die haar interesseren zijn: onder welke omstandigheden kunnen nieuwkomers in een groep hun mening uiten zonder in de problemen te komen? Hoe laat je minderheden doorstromen naar hogere posities? En hoe kun je er voor zorgen dat topbestuurders beslissingen nemen die ten goede komen aan het bedrijf en alle werknemers?

In mei 2016 ontving Rink een Vidi-subsidie van NWO voor haar onderzoeksproject 'Het controleren van topbestuurders: intern of extern?' Met de subsidie kan Rink een eigen, vernieuwende onderzoekslijn ontwikkelen en zelf een onderzoeksgroep opbouwen.

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Artikel voor RTV Noord
Artikel voor RTV Noord


Wong, E., Kirby, T., Ryan, M., & Rink, F. (2025). Overcoming or Removing Gendered Barriers? Support for Individualistic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Interventions Among Those in Power. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 55(1), 22-37.
Gündemir, S., Kanitz, R., Rink, F., Hoever, I., & Slepian, M. L. (2024). Beneath the surface: Resistance to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in organizations. Current Opinion in Psychology, 60, Article 101922.
van Hinsberg, K., Jordan, J., Rink, F., Stoker, J. I., Voorhoeve, J., & Barendse, F. (Accepted/In press). Effective Networking Strategies for Female Leaders. Management and Business Review (MBR).
Jansen, R., den Uijl, H., Joosten, S., Groenewold, M., Minkman, M., Rink, F., Stoopendaal, A., Stuiver, M., & Westert, G. (2024). Toezicht in tijden van schaarste. Nederlandse Vereniging van Toezicht in Zorg en Welzijn.
Zhang, J., Veltrop, D., Hooghiemstra, R., & Rink, F. (2024). Where do Auditors Seek Advice? Perspectives from Social Status and Social Capital. SSRN.


Gedik, Y., Rink, F., Walter, F., & van der Vegt, G. (2023). A contingency model of the dominance route to influence in work teams: The moderating role of team competition. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 26(7), 1413-1435.
Kosenkranius, M., Rink, F., Weigelt, O., & de Bloom, J. (2023). Crafting and human energy: Needs-based crafting efforts across life domains shape employees’ daily energy trajectories. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 28(3), 192-204.
Wong, E., Rink, F., & Ryan, M. (2023). Diversity: Revisiting Ancona & Caldwell’s ‘Demography and Design’ Study. In N. K. Steffens, F. Rink, & M. K. Ryan (Eds.), Organizational psychology: Revisiting the classic studies (Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies). SAGE Publishing.
Zhang, J., Veltrop, D., Hooghiemstra, R., & Rink, F. (2023). Does Auditor Resilience Mitigate the Effects of Multiple Team Memberships on Quality Threatening Behaviors? Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 42(4).
Grimes, M., Von Krogh, G., Feuerriegel, S., Rink, F., & Gruber, M. (2023). From Scarcity to Abundance: Scholars and Scholarship in an Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence. Academy of Management Journal, 66(6), 1617-1624.
Rink, F. (2023). Het creëren van vertrouwen in regionale zorgnetwerken: te bewerkstelligen via principe-gestuurd toezicht? . In M. Minkman, R. Janssen, G. van Dijk, & F. Rink (Eds.), Toezien op samenwerken: naar een verantwoord samenspel (pp. 51-62). Mediawerf.
Gray, W. S., Bunderson, J., van der Vegt, G., Rink, F., & Gedik, Y. (2023). Leveraging Knowledge Diversity in Hierarchically Differentiated Teams: The Critical Role of Hierarchy Stability. Academy of Management Journal, 66(2), 462–488.
Steffens, N. K., Rink, F., & Ryan, M. (Eds.) (2023). Organisational Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies. SAGE Publishing.
Wellman, N., Troster, C., Grimes, M., Roberson, Q., Rink, F., & Gruber, M. (2023). Publishing multimethod research in AMJ: A review and best-practice recommendations. Academy of Management Journal, 66(4), 1007-1015.
van Schie, V., Westert, G. (Ed.), Rink, F. (Ed.), Janssen, R. (Ed.), Minkman, M., van Dijk, G. (Ed.), Stoopendaal, A. (Ed.), Heeren, T. (Ed.), & denUijl, H. (Ed.) (2023). Signalement 2023: Toezicht en Duurzaamheid. Nederlandse Vereniging van Toezicht in Zorg en Welzijn.
Prömpeler, J., Veltrop, D., Stoker, J. I., & Rink, F. (2023). Striving for sustainable development at the top: Exploring the interplay of director and CEO values on environmental sustainability focus. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(7), 5068-5082.
Kosenkranius, M., Rink, F., Weigelt, O., van den Heuvel, M., & de Bloom, J. (2023). The Effectiveness of a Hybrid Off-Job Crafting Intervention on Employees’ Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Well-Being. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8(1), Article 6.
Pit, M., Rink, F., Faems, D., & Estrada, I. (2023). You, me, us? The role of collective identity contract framing in the face of alliance disruptions. In 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (1 ed.). (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings; Vol. 2023, No. 1). Academy of Management.


Cowen, A. P., Rink, F., Cuypers, I. R. P., Gregoire, D. A., & Weller, I. (2022). Applying Coleman's boat in management research: Opportunities and challenges in bridging macro and micro theory. Academy of Management Journal, 65(1), 1-10.
van Hinsberg, K., Rink, F., Stoker, J. I., & Jordan, J. (2022). Conference Abstract: Executive turnover: a survival analysis of the contextual factors that impact male and female leaders’ top management exit. Abstract from Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium.
Umphress, E. E., Rink, F., Muir (Zapata), C. P., & Hideg, I. (2022). From the Editors: Insights on how we try to show empathy, respect, and inclusion in AMJ. Academy of Management Journal, 65(2), 363-370.
Wong, E., Kirby, T., Rink, F., & Ryan, M. (2022). Intersectional Invisibility in Women's Diversity Interventions. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 791572.
Rink, F., de Waal, M., Veltrop, D., & Stoker, J. I. (2022). Managing C-suite conflict: The unique impact of internal and external governance interfaces on top management team reflexivity. Long Range Planning, 55(3), Article 102121.
Weigelt, O., French, K. A., de Bloom, J., Dietz, C., Knoll, M., Kühnel, J., Meier, L. L., Prem, R., Pindek, S., Schmitt, A., Syrek, C. J., & Rink, F. (2022). Moving from opposition to taking ownership of open science to make discoveries that matter. Industrial and Organizational Psychology - Perspectives on Science and Practice, 15(4), 529-532.
Feenstra, S., Begeny, C. T., Jordan, J., Ryan, M., Stoker, J. I., & Rink, F. (2022). Reaching the Top but not Feeling on Top of the World: Examining Women’s Internalized Power Threats. Frontiers in Psychology, Article 7919.
Weck, M., Veltrop, D., Oehmichen, J., & Rink, F. (2022). Why and when female directors are less engaged in their board duties: An interface perspective. Long Range Planning, 55(3), Article 102123.


Begeny, C., Wong, C. Y. E., Kirby, T. A., & Rink, F. (2021). Gender, Race & Leadership. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology
Kosenkranius, M., Rink, F., Kujanpää, M., & Bloom, J. D. (2021). Motives for Crafting Work and Leisure: Focus on Opportunities at Work and Psychological Needs as Drivers of Crafting Efforts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), Article 12294.
van Dijk, G., Janssen, R., Minkman, M., Rink, F., Tonkens, E., & Westert, G. (2021). Signalement 2021: Blikverruimed Toezicht. Nederlandse Vereniging van Toezicht in Zorg en Welzijn.


Morgenroth, T., Ryan, M., Rink, F., & Begany, C. (2021). The (in)compatibility of identities: Understanding gender differences in work-life conflict through the fit with leaders. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(2), 448-469.
Mulder, L. B., Rink, F., & Jordan, J. (2020). Constraining temptation: How specific and general rules mitigate the effect of personal gain on unethical behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology, 76, Article 102242.
Feenstra, S., Begeny, C., Ryan, M., Rink, F., Stoker, J. I., & Jordan, J. (2020). Contextualizing the Impostor "Syndrome". Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 575024.
van de Brake, H. J., Walter, F., Rink, F. A., Essens, P. J. M. D., & van der Vegt, G. S. (2020). Multiple team membership and job performance: The role of employees' information-sharing networks. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93(4), 967-987.
Kosenkranius, M. K., Rink, F. A., De Bloom, J., & Van Den Heuvel, M. (2020). The design and development of a hybrid off-job crafting intervention to enhance needs satisfaction, well-being and performance: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 20(1), Article 115.
Tonkens, E., Rink, F., Hoogland, J., Diaz, K., van Dijk, G., Heeren, T., Janssen, R., Minkman, M., & Westert, G. (2020). Tussen wal en schip. Nederlandse Vereniging van Toezicht in Zorg en Welzijn.
Hoogland, J., van Dijk, G. (Ed.), Janssen, R. (Ed.), Minkman, M. (Ed.), Rink, F. (Ed.), Tonkens, E. (Ed.), & Westert, G. (Ed.) (2020). Voorbij het Toezien: Over de taak- en rolopvatting van de raad van toezicht van zorg- en welzijnsorganisaties in een veranderende tijd . Nederlandse Vereniging van Toezicht in Zorg en Welzijn.


van de Brake, H. J., Walter, F., Rink, F., Essens, P., & van der Vegt, G. (2020). Benefits and Disadvantages of Individuals’ Multiple Team Membership: The Moderating Role of Organizational Tenure. Journal of Management Studies, 57(8), 1502-1530.
Rink, F., Stoker, J. I., Ryan, M. K., Steffens, N. K., & Nederveen Pieterse, A. (2019). Gender Differences in How Leaders Determine Succession Potential: The Role of Interpersonal Fit With Followers. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 752.
Oedzes, J., van der Vegt, G., Rink, F., & Walter, F. (2019). On the origins of informal hierarchy: The interactive role of formal leadership and task complexity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(3), 311-324.
van Dijk, G., Janssen, R., Minkman, M., Rink, F., Tonkens, E., & Westert, G. (2019). Signalement 2019/2020: Van verantwoorden naar beantwoorden. (NVTZ WAR Signalement 2019/2020). Nederlandse Vereniging van Toezicht in Zorg en Welzijn.


Oedzes, J., Rink, F., Walter, F., & van der Vegt, G. (2019). Informal Hierarchy and Team Creativity: The Moderating Role of Empowering Leadership. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 68(1), 3-25.
van Dijk, H., & Rink, F. (2018). Het verbeteren van de beeldvorming aangaande de competentie van minderheden: Een theoretische verkenning. Gedrag & Organisatie, 31(3), 217-234.
Steffens, N. K., Fonseca, M. A., Ryan, M. K., Rink, F. A., Stoker, J. I., & Nederveen Pieterse, A. (2018). How feedback about leadership potential impacts ambition, organizational commitment, and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(6), 637-647.
de Waal, M., Rink, F., Stoker, J. I., & Veltrop, D. (2018). How internal and external supervision impact the dynamics between boards and top management yeams and TMT reflexivity. (De Nederlandsche Bank Working Paper; Vol. 604). De Nederlandsche Bank.
Silberzahn, R., Uhlmann, E. L., Martin, D. P., Anselmi, P., Aust, F., Awtrey, E., Bahnik, Š., Bai, F., Bannard, C., Bonnier, E., Carlsson, R., Cheung, F., Christensen, G., Clay, R., Craig, M. A., Dalla Rosa, A., Dam, L., Evans, M. H., Flores Cervantes, I., ... Nosek, B. A. (2018). Many analysts, one dataset: Making transparent how variations in analytical choices affect results. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(3), 337-356.
Brenninkmeijer, V., Vink, M., Dorenbosch, L., Beudeker, D. A., & Rink, F. (2018). Regulatory fit at work: gravitational effects and associations with employee well-being. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(6), 809-821.
Diaz, K., van Dijk, G., Heeren, T., Janssen, R., Minkman, M., Rink, F., Tonkens, E., & Westert, G. (2018). Signalement 2018/2019: Waardevolle trends voor toezichthouders in zorg en welzijn. Nederlandse Vereniging van Toezicht in Zorg en Welzijn.
van de Brake, H. J., Walter, F., Rink, F. A., Essens, P. J. M. D., & van der Vegt, G. S. (2018). The dynamic relationship between multiple team membership and individual job performance in knowledge-intensive work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(9), 1219-1231.


Rink, F. (2017). Betrokken, maar onafhankelijk: Streven naar een betere positionering van toezicht. In M. Lückerath-Rovers, B. Bier, H. van Ees, & M. Kaptein (Eds.), Jaarboek Corporate Governance 2017-2018 (7 ed., pp. 57-67). Kluwer.
Rink, F., Kane, A. K., Ellemers, N., & van der Vegt, G. (2017). Change in organizational work teams. In E. Salas, R. Rico, & J. Passmore (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Team Working and Collaborative Processes (pp. 177-194). Wiley-Blackwell.
Hooghiemstra, R., Rink, F., & Veltrop, D. (2017). FAR Research project: The effects of multiple team memberships on individual auditors’ performance. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 91(9/10), 282-288.
van de Brake, H., Walter, F., Rink, F., Essens, P., & van der Vegt, G. S. (2017). Is Multiple Team Membership a Challenge or a Hindrance for Individual Employees? Academy of Management. Best Paper Proceedings, 2017, Article 13366.
Kane, A. A., & Rink, F. (2017). Personnel movement as a mechanism for learning in organizations and teams. In L. Argote, & J. M. Levine (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Group and Organizational Learning Oxford University Press.


Bunderson, S., van der Vegt, G., Cantimur, Y., & Rink, F. (2016). Different views of hierarchy and why they matter: Hierarchy as inequality or as cascading influence. Academy of Management Journal, 59(4), 1265-1289.
Ellemers, N., & Rink, F. (2016). Diversity in work groups. Current Opinion in Psychology, 11, 49–53.
Ryan, M. K., Haslam, S. A., Morgenroth, T., Rink, F., Stoker, J., & Peters, K. (2016). Getting on top of the glass cliff: Reviewing a decade of evidence, explanations, and impact. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(3), 446-455.
Phillips, K. W. P., Lount, Jr., R. B., Sheldon, O., & Rink, F. (2016). The biases that punish racially diverse teams. Harvard Business Review.
Lammers, J., Stoker, J. I., Rink, F., & Galinsky, A. D. (2016). To Have Control Over or to Be Free From Others? The Desire for Power Reflects a Need for Autonomy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42(4), 498-512.
Kane, A. A., & Rink, F. (2016). When and how groups utilize dissenting newcomer knowledge: Newcomers' future prospects condition the effect of language-based identity strategies. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 19(5), 591-607.
Cantimur, Y., Rink, F., & van der Vegt, G. S. (2016). When and why hierarchy steepness is related to team performance. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25(5), 658-673.


Rink, F., Ryan, M., & Stoker, J. I. (2016). Understanding the Precariousness of the Glass Cliff: An Examination of Social Resources and Global Context. In R. L. Gervais, & P. Millear (Eds.), Exploring Resources, Life-Balance and Well-Being of Women Who Work in a Global Context (pp. 93-107). Springer.
Lount, R. B. J., Sheldon, O. J., Rink, F., & Phillips, K. W. P. (2015). Biased perceptions of racially diverse teams and their consequences for resource support. Organization Science, 26(5), 1351-1364.
Jehn, KA., de Wit, F., Barreto, M., & Rink, F. (2015). Conflict asymmetries: Effects on motivation, satisfaction, and performance. International Journal of Conflict Management, 26(2), 172-192.
Stoker, J., & Rink, F. (2015). De faal- en slaagfactoren voor leiderschap binnen toezichthouders. Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, 6(2), 37-43.
de Waal, M., Stoker, J., & Rink, F. (2015). De formele en informele dimensies van compliance. De Compliance Officer, (17), 8-10.
de Waal, M., Stoker, J., & Rink, F. (2015). Formal and informal dimensions of compliance effectiveness. Business Compliance, 2015(2), 15-27.
de Waal, M., Rink, F., & Stoker, J. (2015). How internal and external supervisors influence employees' self-serving decisions. (pp. 1-37). (DNB paper series; No. 464). De Nederlandsche Bank.
Kane, A., & Rink, F. (2015). How newcomers influence group utilization of their knowledge: Integrating versus differentiating Strategies. Group Dynamics-Theory Research and Practice, 19(2), 91-105.
Jehn, K. A., De Wit, F. R. C., Barreto, M., & Rink, F. (2015). Task conflict asymmetries: Effects on expectations and performance. International Journal of Conflict Management, 26(2), 172-191.
Kane, A., & Rink, F. (2015). Team Newcomers. In B. Barringer, R. Greenwood, & J. Gimeno (Eds.), Oxford Bibliographies in Management Oxford University Press.
Molleman, E., & Rink, F. (2015). The antecedents and consequences of a strong professional identity among medical specialists. Social Theory & Health, 13(1), 46-61.
Mulder, L., Jordan, J., & Rink, F. (2015). The effects of specific and general rules on ethical decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 126, 115-129.
Morgenroth, T., Rink, F., Ryan, M. K., & Stoker, J. (2015). The glass cliff: Understanding the precariousness of women’s leadership position and the underlying mechanisms. In I. M. Welpe, P. Brosi, L. Ritzenhöfer, & T. Schwarzmüller (Eds.), Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik (pp. 127-133). Springer.
Rink, F., & Ellemers, N. (2015). The pernicious effects of unstable work group membership: How work group changes undermine unique task contributions and newcomer acceptance. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 18(1), 6-23.
Beudeker, D. A., Ellemers, N., Rink, F., & Blonk, R. W. B. (2015). Zelfregulatieorientaties en werkprestaties. De Psycholoog, (4), 5-10.


Bruckmueller, S., Ryan, M. K., Rink, F., & Haslam, S. A. (2014). Beyond the Glass Ceiling: The Glass Cliff and Its Lessons for Organizational Policy. Social Issues and Policy Review, 8(1), 202-232.
Rink, F., & Kane, A. (2014). Conflict and change in teams: The innovative newcomer challenge. In O. B. Ayoko, N. M. Ashkanasy, & K. A. Jehn (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Conflict Management. (pp. 205-220). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bruckmueller, S., Ryan, M., Rink, F., & Haslam, S. A. (2014). The Glass Cliff: Examining why women occupy leadership positions in precarious circumstances. In S. Kumra, R. Simpson, & R. Burke (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Gender in Organizations (pp. 314-331). Oxford University Press.


Rink, F., Ryan, M., & Stoker, J. I. (2013). Are female leaders constantly tapped for crises? In Diversity Management Executive (Vol. 4, pp. 1-4)
Beudeker, D. A., Rink, F. A., Ellemers, N., & Blonk, R. W. B. (2013). Initiatiefrijk en functie-inhoudelijk presteren: De regulatiestrategieën van leiders in relatie tot het functioneren van medewerkers. Gedrag & Organisatie, 26(3), 277-292.
Molleman, E., & Rink, F. A. (2013). Professional identity formation amongst medical specialists. Medical Teacher, 35(10), 875-876.
Rink, F., Ryan, M. K., & Stoker, J. I. (2013). Social resources at a time of crisis: How gender stereotypes inform gendered leader evaluations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43(5), 381-392.
Rink, F. A., Kane, A., Ellemers, N., & van der Vegt, G. S. (2013). Team receptivity to newcomers: Five decades of evidence and future research themes. Academy of Management Annals, 7(1), 247-293.


Rink, F., Ryan, M. K., & Stoker, J. I. (2012). Influence in Times of Crisis: How Social and Financial Resources Affect Men's and Women's Evaluations of Glass-Cliff Positions. Psychological Science, 23(11), 1306-1313.
Stoker, J. I., & Rink, F. A. (2012). Leadership and self-interest: is transactional leadership amoral? In P. De Weerd-Nederhof, K. Visscher, & J. Visser-Groeneveld (Eds.), Innovation, social responsibility, creativity, ethics and Olaf Fisscher (pp. 65 - 73). University of Twente.
Rink, F., Ryan, M., & Stoker, J. I. (2012). The precariousness of the glass cliff: How gender stereotypes affect leader evaluations. In A. Toombs (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings AoM.
Ellemers, N., Rink, F., Derks, B., & Ryan, M. K. (2012). Women in high places: When and why promoting women into top positions can harm them individually or as a group (and how to prevent this). Research in Organizational Behavior, 32, 163-187.


Stoker, J. I., Lammers, J., Stapel, D. A., & Rink, F. A. (2011). De hardnekkige behoefte aan een sterke man: Leiderschap na de crisis. In J. Boonstra, J. van Muijen, & H. Tours (Eds.), Leiderschap in organisaties. Crisis in leiderschap - op zoek naar nieuwe wegen (pp. 37 - 52). Kluwer.
Stoker, J. I., Lammers, J., Rink, F. A., & Stapel, D. A. (2011). De hardnekkige behoefte aan een sterke man: Leiderschap na de crisis. Management & Organisatie, 65(4), 27 - 42.
Kane, A., & Rink, F. (2011). Newcomers as active agents: Team receptivity to integrating vs. differentiating identity strategies. In A. Toombs (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings AoM.
Rink, F., & Ellemers, N. (2011). Newcomers as a source of creativity. In J. Jetten, & M. Hornsey (Eds.), Rebels in Groups: Dissent, deviance, difference and defiance (pp. 53-72). Wiley-Blackwell.


Rink, F., & Ellemers, N. (2010). Benefiting from deep-level diversity: How congruence between knowledge and decision rules improves team decision making and team perceptions. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 13(3), 345-359.
Rink, F. A., & Jehn, K. A. (2010). Divided we fall, or United we Stand? How Identity Processes Affect Faultline Perceptions and the Functioning of Diverse Teams. In R. J. Crisp (Ed.), The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity (pp. 281-296). Wiley-Blackwell.
Rupert, J., Rink, F., & Stoker, J. I. (2010). Leidinggeven aan diverse management teams. Politietop Divers.
Nederveen Pieterse, A., Rink, F., Stoker, J. I., & Ryan, M. (2010). Management teams bij het rijk: De rol van onderlinge verschillen. Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken/ABD.
Rink, F. A., & Jehn, K. A. (2010). Perceptions of subgroup formation and faultline activation. In R. Crisp (Ed.), The psychology of social and cultural diversity (SPSSI). Blackwell Publishing.


Rink, F., & Ellemers, N. (2009). De invloed van nieuwkomers op teaminnovatie. Gedrag & Organisatie, 22(3), 294-306.
Rink, F. A., & Ellemers, N. (2009). Temporary Versus Permanent Group Membership: How the Future Prospects of Newcomers Affect Newcomer Acceptance and Newcomer Influence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35(6), 764-775.


Rink, F. A., & Ellemers, N. (2008). Diversity, newcomers and team innovation: The importance of a common identity. In KW. Phillips (Ed.), Diversity & Groups (pp. 221-243). (Research on Managing Groups and Teams; Vol. 11). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Rink, F. A., & Ellemers, N. (2008). Managing diversity in organizations: how identity processes affect work groups. In M. Barreto, M. Ryan, & M. Schmitt (Eds.), Barriers to diversity: the Glass Ceiling 20 years on (pp. xx). (APA Psychology of Women Book Series).
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