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De Wilde, Prof. Pieter

Pieter de Wilde

Pieter de Wilde is Professor of European Politics and Society at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen. De Wilde studied Political Science at the University of Amsterdam and earned his PhD in Political Science at ARENA, Centre for European Studies, at the University of Oslo. As a PhD student, he conducted research into the politicization of European integration: the process in which EU membership and further European integration politics have become relevant and contested.

De Wilde’s current research focuses on political conflicts about European integration and globalization, including the politicization of European integration, EU responsiveness concerning the public opinion , the role of national parliaments within the EU, Euroscepticism, and the extent to which various political topics have been embedded within a wider political divide. His most recent research project is entitled ‘Unelected Representatives: The Impact on Liberal Democracy in Europe’. This research looks at how political activists, such as Greta Thunberg, can play a role as non-elected representatives by making representative claims.

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Last modified:27 June 2024 5.06 p.m.
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