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Otten, prof. dr. Bert

Bert Otten
Bert Otten

Bert Otten is bijzonder hoogleraar Neuromechanica en Prothesiologie bij de Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen, vanwege de Stichting Orthopedische Instrumentmakerij. Otten studeerde biologie en promoveerde in 1982 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, waarna hij een poos onderzoek verrichtte aan de functionele morfologie van de menselijke rug. Otten is momenteel bij Bewegingswetenschappen verantwoordelijk voor de programma’s Neuromechanica/ Neuromechanics. Daarnaast is hij actief in het specialisatietraject Rehabilitation and Functional Recovery en begeleidt hij studenten bij hun afstudeerprojecten.

Als onderzoeker is Otten vooral geïnteresseerd in de manier waarop het menselijke brein en lichaam functionele bewegingen voortbrengen. Daarom doet hij zowel fundamenteel onderzoek naar bewegingssturing, als toegepast onderzoek bijvoorbeeld bij schaatsen, prothesiologie en sportletsels. In dit verband dient ook het CAREN-systeem te worden genoemd, een virtual reality-omgeving die hij mede ontwikkeld heeft. Hierin wordt het mechanisme van bewegingssturing onderzocht. Otten is een veelzijdig man, een ware ‘homo universalis’. Hij werd in 1991 nationaal universitair kampioen wielrennen alle disciplines. Behalve sportman is hij een begenadigd fotograaf. Bovendien is hij inventief: hij ontwikkelt software om de menselijke beweging te modelleren en hij heeft een revolutionair klapschaatsmechanisme op zijn naam staan. Ook werkt hij aan diverse radio- en tv-programma's mee. Toen Epke Zonderland door de RUG werd gehuldigd, heeft Otten op indrukwekkende wijze de olympische oefening neuromechanisch ontleed. Otten adviseert geregeld de top van het nationale profwielrennen over het fietsgebruik bij tijdritten en deed onderzoek voor topsporters als Bauke Mollema, Epke Zonderland, Irene Wüst en Dafne Schippers.

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Zheng, X., Wilhelm, E., Otten, E., Reneman, M. F., & Lamoth, C. J. C. (2025). Age-related gait patterns classification using deep learning based on time-series data from one accelerometer. Biomedical signal processing and control, 104, Article 107406.


Zheng, X., Otten, E., Reneman, M. F., & Lamoth, C. J. (2025). Explaining deep learning models for age-related gait classification based on acceleration time series. Computers in biology and medicine, 184, Article 109338.
Zheng, X., Lamoth, C. JC., Timmerman, H., Otten, E., & Reneman, M. F. (2024). Establishing central sensitization inventory cut-off values in Dutch-speaking patients with chronic low back pain by unsupervised machine learning. Computers in biology and medicine, 178, Article 108739.


Van Hal, E. S., Hijmans, J. M., Postema, K., & Otten, E. (2024). A Passive Polycentric Mechanism to Improve Active Mediolateral Balance in Prosthetic Walking. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 32, 63 - 71.
Nijmeijer, E. M., Heuvelmans, P., Bolt, R., Gokeler, A., Otten, E., & Benjaminse, A. (2023). Concurrent validation of the Xsens IMU system of lower-body kinematics in jump-landing and change-of-direction tasks. Journal of biomechanics, 154, Article 111637.
Nijenhuis, B., Tijssen, M. A. J., van Zutphen, T., van der Eb, J., Otten, E., & Elting, J. W. (2023). Inter-muscular coherence in speed skaters with skater's cramp. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 107, Article 105250.
Nijenhuis, B., Tijssen, M. A. J., van Zutphen, T., Elting, J. W., Schalkwijk, A. H. P., Otten, E., & van der Eb, J. (2023). Muscular and kinematic features in speed skaters indicate a task-specific dystonia. Clinical Neurophysiology, 149, 113-120.
Nijenhuis, B., van Zutphen, T., Gul, P., Otten, E., & Tijssen, M. A. J. (2023). Personality in speed skaters with skater's cramp: A preliminary cross-sectional study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 173, Article 111440.
Zheng, X., Reneman, M., Otten, B., & Lamoth, C. (2023). Physical activity patterns of patients with chronic low back pain and central sensitization: insights from a machine learning method. Abstract from 9th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
Zheng, X., Reneman, M. F., Schiphorst Preuper, R. HR., Otten, E., & Lamoth, C. JC. (2023). Relationship between physical activity and central sensitization in chronic low back pain: Insights from machine learning. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 232, Article 107432.


Nijmeijer, E. M., Elferink-Gemser, M. T., Otten, E., & Benjaminse, A. (2023). Optimal and suboptimal video instructions change movement execution in young talented basketball players. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 18(6), 2142-2150.
Zheng, X., Reneman, M., Ansuategui Echeita, J., Schiphorst Preuper, R., Kruitbosch, H., Otten, B., & Lamoth, C. (2022). Association between central sensitization and gait in chronic low back pain: Insights from a machine learning approach. Computers in biology and medicine, 144, Article 105329.
Heuvelmans, P., Benjaminse, A., Bolt, R., Baumeister, J., Otten, E., & Gokeler, A. (2022). Concurrent validation of the Noraxon MyoMotion wearable inertial sensors in change-of-direction and jump-landing tasks. Sports biomechanics. Advance online publication.
Zheng, X., Reneman, M., Otten, B., & Lamoth, C. (2022). Effects of Level of Central Sensitization on Physical Activity Patterns in Chronic Low Back Pain: Insights from A Machine Learning Approach. Abstract from International Society of Posture and Gait Research World Congress, Montreal, Canada.
Zheng, X., Reneman, M., Otten, B., & Lamoth, C. (2022). Exploring Effects of Central Sensitization on Gait in Chronic Low Back Pain by Using Machine Learning Approach. Abstract from 8th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM), Keystone, United States.
Smid, A., Elting, J., Van Dijk, J. M. C., Otten, E., Oterdoom, D. L. M., Tamasi, K., Heida, T., Van Laar, T., & Drost, G. (2022). Intraoperative quantification of MDS-UPDRS tremor measurements using 3D accelerometry. Movement Disorders, 37(S2), S206.
Smid, A., Elting, J. W. J., van Dijk, J. M. C., Otten, B., Marinus Oterdoom, D. L., Tamasi, K., Heida, T., van Laar, T., & Drost, G. (2022). Intraoperative Quantification of MDS-UPDRS Tremor Measurements Using 3D Accelerometry: A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(9), Article 2275.


Keizer, M. N. J., Otten, E., Beijersbergen, C. M. I., Brouwer, R. W., & Hijmans, J. M. (2021). Copers and Noncopers Use Different Landing Techniques to Limit Anterior Tibial Translation After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 9(4), 1-11. Article 2325967121998061.
Zheng, X., Lamoth, C., Otten, B., & Reneman, M. (Accepted/In press). Establishing Central Sensitization Inventory Cutoff-Scores in Chronic Low Back Pain Population by Deep Learning. Abstract from PA!N Congres 2021.
Zheng, X., Reneman, M., Ansuategui Echeita, J., Schiphorst Preuper, R., Kruitbosch, H., Otten, B., & Lamoth, C. (Accepted/In press). Exploring Effects of Central Sensitization on Gait in Chronic Low Back Pain by Machine Learning. Abstract from PA!N Congres 2021.
Bergsma, B., Hulleman, D. N., Wiedemeijer, M. M., & Otten, E. (2021). Foot placement variables of pedestrians in community setting during curve walking. Gait & Posture, 86, 120-124.
van Hal, E. S., Curtze, C., Postema, K., Hijmans, J. M., & Otten, E. (2021). Frontal plane roll-over analysis of prosthetic feet. Journal of biomechanics, 125, Article 110610.
Zheng, X., Reneman, M., Otten, B., & Lamoth, C. (2021). Physical Activity Levels of Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain and Central Sensitization: Insights from A Machine Learning Method. Abstract from International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM).


Stoter, I. K., Hettinga, F. J., Otten, E., Visscher, C., & Elferink-Gemser, M. T. (2020). Changes in technique throughout a 1500-m speed skating time-trial in junior elite athletes: Differences between sexes, performance levels and competitive seasons. PLoS ONE, 15(8), Article e0237331.
Keizer, M., Hijmans, J., Gokeler, A., Benjaminse, A., & Otten, B. (2020). Healthy subjects with lax knees use less knee flexion rather than muscle control to limit anterior tibia translation during landing. Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics, 7(1), Article 32.
Heerschop, A., van der Sluis, C. K., Otten, E., & Bongers, R. M. (2020). Looking beyond proportional control: The relevance of mode switching in learning to operate multi-articulating myoelectric upper-limb prostheses. Biomedical signal processing and control, 55, Article 101647.
Heerschop, A., van der Sluis, C. K., Otten, E., & Bongers, R. M. (2020). Performance among different types of myocontrolled tasks is not related. Human Movement Science, 70, Article 102592.
Keizer, M. N. J., Hijmans, J. M., Gokeler, A., Otten, E., & Brouwer, R. W. (2020). Sagittal knee kinematics in relation with the posterior tibia slope during jump landing after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics, 7(1), 69. Article 69.
Tuitert, I., Golenia, L., Otten, E., Bootsma, R. J., & Bongers, R. M. (2020). Task Constraints Act at the Level of Synergies and at the Level of End-Effector Kinematics in Manual Reaching and Manual Lateral Interception. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-HUMAN PERCEPTION AND PERFORMANCE, 46(12), 1511-1526.
Keizer, M., & Otten, B. (2020). Technical note: sensitivity analysis of the SCoRE and SARA methods for determining rotational axes during tibiofemoral movements using optical motion capture. Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics, 7(1), Article 6.
Reidy, S., Stephenson, J., Smith, F., Otten, E., Wiedemeijer, M., & Curran, M. (2020). The effect of viewing angle on observations of foot orientation in forensic gait analysis. Science and Justice, 60(6), 504-511.


Greve, C., Schuitema, D., Otten, B., van Kouwenhove, L., Verhaar, E., Postema, K., Dekker, R., & Hijmans, J. M. (2019). Biomechanical effects of rocker shoes on plantar aponeurosis strain in patients with plantar fasciitis and healthy controls. PLoS ONE, 14(10), Article e0222388.
Tuitert, I., Valk, T. A., Otten, E., Golenia, L., & Bongers, R. M. (2019). Comparing Different Methods to Create a Linear Model for Uncontrolled Manifold Analysis. Motor Control, 23(2), 189-204.
Valk, T. A., Mouton, L. J., Otten, E., & Bongers, R. M. (2019). Fixed muscle synergies and their potential to improve the intuitive control of myoelectric assistive technology for upper extremities. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 16, Article 6.
Geertzen, J. H. B., van der Schans, S. M., Jutte, P. C., Kraeima, J., Otten, E., & Dekker, R. (2019). Myodesis or myoplasty in trans-femoral amputations. What is the best option? An explorative study. Medical Hypotheses, 124, 7-12.
Nijenhuis, B., Schalkwijk, A. H. P., Hendriks, S., Zutt, R., Otten, E., & Tijssen, M. A. J. (2019). Skater's Cramp: A Possible Task-Specific Dystonia in Dutch Ice Skaters. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 6(7), 559-566.
Valk, T. A., Mouton, L. J., Otten, E., & Bongers, R. M. (2019). Synergies reciprocally relate end-effector and joint-angles in rhythmic pointing movements. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 17378.
Geertzen, J. H. B., de Beus, M. C., Jutte, P. C., Otten, E., & Dekker, R. (2019). What is the optimal femur length in a trans-femoral amputation? A mixed method study: Scoping review, expert opinions and biomechanical analysis. Medical Hypotheses, 129, Article 109238.


Keizer, M. N. J., & Otten, E. (2019). Passive anterior tibia translation in anterior cruciate ligament-injured, anterior cruciate ligament-reconstructed and healthy knees: A systematic review. Musculoskeletal surgery, 103, 121-130.
van Hal, E. S., Hijmans, J. M., Postema, K., & Otten, E. (2018). A prosthetic leg prototype for improved mediolateral balance control: Design of a case-control study. Cogent engineering, 5(1), Article 1520425.
Golenia, L., Schoemaker, M. M., Otten, E., Mouton, L. J., & Bongers, R. M. (2018). Development of reaching during mid-childhood from a Developmental Systems perspective. PLoS ONE, 13(2), Article e0193463.
Wiedemeijer, M. M., & Otten, E. (2018). Effects of high heeled shoes on gait. A review. Gait & Posture, 61, 423-430.
Nordhjem, B., Klug, J., & Otten, B. (2018). Faces in Motion: Embodiment, Emotion and Interaction. Leonardo, 51(1), 28-32.
Golenia, L., Schoemaker, M. M., Otten, E., Tuitert, I., & Bongers, R. M. (2018). The development of consistency and flexibility in manual pointing during middle childhood. Developmental Psychobiology, 60(5), 511-519.
Golenia, L., Bongers, R. M., van Hoorn, J. F., Otten, E., Mouton, L. J., & Schoemaker, M. M. (2018). Variability in coordination patterns in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Human Movement Science, 60, 202-213.


Keizer, M. N. J., Hoogeslag, R. A. G., van Raay, J. J. A. M., Otten, B., & Brouwer, R. (2018). Superior return to sports rate after patellar tendon autograft over patellar tendon allograft in revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 26(2), 574-581.
Benjaminse, A., Welling, W., Otten, B., & Gokeler, A. (2018). Transfer of improved movement technique after receiving verbal external focus and video instruction. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 26(3), 955-962.
Tuitert, I., Bootsma, R. J., Schoemaker, M. M., Otten, E., Mouton, L. J., & Bongers, R. M. (2017). Does practicing a wide range of joint angle configurations lead to higher flexibility in a manual obstacle-avoidance target-pointing task? PLoS ONE, 12(7), Article e0181041.
Welling, W., Benjaminse, A., Gokeler, A., & Otten, B. (2017). Retention of movement technique: Implications for primary prevention of ACL injuries. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 12(6), 908-920.
Benjaminse, A., Postma, W., Janssen, I., & Otten, E. (2017). Video Feedback and 2-Dimensional Landing Kinematics in Elite Female Handball Players. Journal of athletic training, 52(11), 993-1001.
Golenia, L., Schoemaker, M. M., Otten, E., Mouton, L. J., & Bongers, R. M. (2017). What the Dynamic Systems Approach Can Offer for Understanding Development: An Example of Mid-childhood Reaching. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, Article 1774.


Schneider, D. K., Gokeler, A., Otten, E., Ford, K. R., Hewett, T. E., Divine, J. G., Colosimo, A. J., Heidt, R. S., & Myer, G. D. (2017). A Novel Mass-Spring-Damper Model Analysis to Identify Landing Deficits in Athletes Returning to Sport After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 31(9), 2590-2598.
Dallinga, J., Benjaminse, A., Gokeler, A., Cortes, N., Otten, E., & Lemmink, K. (2017). Innovative Video Feedback on Jump Landing Improves Landing Technique in Males. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 38(2), 150-158.
Smits, B. L. M., Polman, R. C. J., Otten, B., Pepping, G.-J., & Hettinga, F. J. (2016). Cycling in the Absence of Task-Related Feedback: Effects on Pacing and Performance. Frontiers in Physiology, 7, Article 348.
Welling, W., Benjaminse, A., Gokeler, A., & Otten, E. (2016). Enhanced retention of drop vertical jump landing technique: A randomized controlled trial. Human Movement Science, 45, 84-95.
Gokeler, A., Bisschop, M., Myer, G. D., Benjaminse, A., Dijkstra, P. U., van Keeken, H. G., van Raay, J. J. A. M., Burgerhof, J. G. M., & Otten, E. (2016). Immersive virtual reality improves movement patterns in patients after ACL reconstruction: implications for enhanced criteria-based return-to-sport rehabilitation. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 24(7), 2280-2286.
Feenstra, W., Tepper, M., Boonstra, A. M., Otten, E., & de Vries, S. (2016). Recovery of motor imagery ability in the first year after stroke. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 39(2), 171-175.
Curtze, C., Hof, A. L., Postema, K., & Otten, B. (2016). Staying in dynamic balance on a prosthetic limb: A leg to stand on? Medical Engineering & Physics, 38(6), 576-580.
Meijer, M. F., Velleman, T., Boerboom, A. L., Bulstra, S. K., Otten, E., Stevens, M., & Reininga, I. H. F. (2016). The Validity of a New Low-Dose Stereoradiography System to Perform 2D and 3D Knee Prosthetic Alignment Measurements. PLoS ONE, 11(1), Article e0146187.


Benjaminse, A., Otten, B., Gokeler, A., Diercks, R. L., & Lemmink, K. A. P. M. (2017). Motor learning strategies in basketball players and its implications for ACL injury prevention: a randomized controlled trial. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, 25(8), 2365-2376.
Papegaaij, S., Taube, W., van Keeken, H. G., Otten, E., Baudry, S., & Hortobagyi, T. (2016). Postural challenge affects motor cortical activity in young and old adults. Experimental Gerontology, 73, 78-85.
Van der Linde, B. W., van Netten, J. J., Otten, B., Postema, K., Geuze, R. H., & Schoemaker, M. M. (2015). Activities of Daily Living in Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder: Performance, Learning, and Participation. Physical Therapy, 95(11), 1496-1506.
Benjaminse, A., Welling, W., Otten, E., & Gokeler, A. (2015). Novel methods of instruction in ACL injury prevention programs, a systematic review. Physical Therapy in Sport, 16(2), 176-186.
Benjaminse, A., Gokeler, A., Dowling, A. V., Faigenbaum, A., Ford, K. R., Hewett, T. E., Onate, J. A., Otten, B., & Myer, G. D. (2015). Optimization of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Prevention Paradigm: Novel Feedback Techniques to Enhance Motor Learning and Reduce Injury Risk. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 45(3), 170-182.
Konings, M. J., Elferink-Gemser, M. T., Stoter, I. K., van der Meer, D., Otten, E., & Hettinga, F. J. (2015). Performance Characteristics of Long-Track Speed Skaters: A Literature Review. Sports Medicine, 45(4), 505-516.
Gokeler, A., Benjaminse, A., Welling, W., Alferink, M., Eppinga, P., & Otten, B. (2015). The effects of attentional focus on jump performance and knee joint kinematics in patients after ACL reconstruction. Physical Therapy in Sport, 16(2), 114-120.


Papegaaij, S., Taube, W., Baudry, S., Otten, E., & Hortobagyi, T. (2014). Aging causes a reorganization of cortical and spinal control of posture. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 6, Article 28.
Eijgelaar, P. N., Wapstra, F. H., Otten, E., & Veldhuizen, A. G. (2014). Altered head orientation patterns in children with idiopathic scoliosis in conditions with sensory conflict. European Spine Journal, 23(12), 2626-2634.
Dallinga, J., Benjaminse, A., Gokeler, A., Otten, E., & Lemmink, K. (2014). Effect of an internally versus externally focused acl injury prevention program on injury risk. Br J Sports Med, 48(7), 583.
Gokeler, A., Eppinga, P., Dijkstra, P. U., Welling, W., Padua, D. A., Otten, E., & Benjaminse, A. (2014). Effect of fatigue on landing performance assessed with the landing error scoring system (less) in patients after ACL reconstruction. A pilot study. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 9(3), 302-311.
Brink, M., Fiechter, H., Otten, B., & Lemmink, K. A. P. M. (2014). Interrelations between match characteristics, field and laboratory tests in youth elite basketball players: Annual European College of Sport Science congress, Amsterdam..
Fraenkle, F. M., Glueck, F., Valerius, K., Bokeloh, K., Beglarian, A., Bonn, J., Bornschein, L., Drexlin, G., Habermehl, F., Leber, M. L., Osipowicz, A., Otten, E. W., Steidl, M., Thuemmler, T., Weinheimer, C., Wilkerson, J. F., Wolf, J., & Zadorozhny, S. V. (2014). Penning discharge in the KATRIN pre-spectrometer. Journal of Instrumentation, 9, Article 07028.
van der Linde, B. W., van Netten, J. J., Otten, E., Postema, K., Geuze, R. H., & Schoemaker, M. M. (2014). Psychometric properties of the DCDDaily-Q: A new parental questionnaire on children's performance in activities of daily living. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(7), 1711-1719.
Gokeler, A., Bisschop, M., Benjaminse, A., Myer, G. D., Eppinga, P., & Otten, E. (2014). Quadriceps function following ACL reconstruction and rehabilitation: Implications for optimisation of current practices. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, 22(5), 1163-1174.


van der Linde, B. W., van Netten, J. J., Otten, E., Postema, K., Geuze, R. H., & Schoemaker, M. M. (2015). A systematic review of instruments for assessment of capacity in activities of daily living in children with developmental co-ordination disorder. Child: Care, Health and Development, 41(1), 23-34.
van Keeken, H. G., Vrieling, A. H., Hof, A. L., Postema, K., & Otten, B. (2013). Controlling horizontal deceleration during gait termination in transfemoral amputees: Measurements and simulations. Medical Engineering & Physics, 35(5), 583-590.
van der Linde, B. W., van Netten, J. J., Otten, B., Postema, K., Geuze, R. H., & Schoemaker, M. M. (2013). Development and psychometric properties of the DCDDaily: A new test for clinical assessment of capacity in activities of daily living in children with developmental coordination disorder. Clinical Rehabilitation, 27(9), 834-844.
Gokeler, A., Benjaminse, A., Hewett, T. E., Paterno, M. V., Ford, K. R., Otten, E., & Myer, G. D. (2013). Feedback Techniques to Target Functional Deficits Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Implications for Motor Control and Reduction of Second Injury Risk. Sports Medicine, 43(11), 1065-1074.
de Vries, S., Tepper, M., Feenstra, W., Oosterveld, H., Boonstra, A. M., & Otten, B. (2013). Motor imagery ability in stroke patients: the relationship between implicit and explicit motor imagery measures. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, Article 790.
Woldendorp, K. H., van de Werk, P., Boonstra, A. M., Stewart, R. E., & Otten, E. (2013). Relation Between Muscle Activation Pattern and Pain: An Explorative Study in a Bassists Population. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94(6), 1095-1106.
Karpuk, S., Allmendinger, F., Burghoff, M., Gemmel, C., Gueldner, M., Heil, W., Kilian, W., Knappe-Grueneberg, S., Mrozik, C., Mueller, W., Otten, E. W., Repetto, M., Salhi, Z., Schmidt, U., Schnabel, A., Seifert, F., Sobolev, Y., Trahms, L., & Tullney, K. (2013). Spin polarized He-3: From basic research to medical applications. Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 44(6), 904-908.


Papegaaij, S., de Lima-Pardini, A. C., Smith, B. A., Otten, E., Cohen, R. G., & Horak, F. B. (2012). Keeping your balance while balancing a cylinder: interaction between postural and voluntary goals. Experimental Brain Research, 223(1), 79-87.
Otten, E. (2012). Lower leg prosthesis. (Patent No. WO2012091555).
van Keeken, H. G., Vrieling, A. H., Hof, A. L., Postema, K., & Otten, B. (2012). Principles of obstacle avoidance with a transfemoral prosthetic limb. Medical Engineering & Physics, 34(8), 1109-1116.
Gokeler, A., Benjaminse, A., Hewett, T. E., Lephart, S. M., Engebretsen, L., Ageberg, E., Engelhardt, M., Arnold, M. P., Postema, K., Otten, E., & Dijkstra, P. U. (2012). Proprioceptive deficits after ACL injury: are they clinically relevant? British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46(3), 180-192.
van Keeken, H. G., Vrieling, A. H., Hof, A. L., Postema, K., & Otten, B. (2012). Stabilizing moments of force on a prosthetic knee during stance in the first steps after gait initiation. Medical Engineering and Physics, 34(6), 733-739.
Curtze, C., Hof, A. L., Postema, K., & Otten, B. (2012). The relative contributions of the prosthetic and sound limb to balance control in unilateral transtibial amputees. Gait & Posture, 36(2), 276-281.
Boonstra, A. M., de Vries, S. J., Veenstra, E., Tepper, M., Feenstra, W., & Otten, E. (2012). Using the Hand Laterality Judgement Task to assess motor imagery: a study of practice effects in repeated measurements. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 35(3), 278-280.


Benjaminse, A., & Otten, E. (2011). ACL injury prevention, more effective with a different way of motor learning? Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, 19(4), 622-627.
van der Linde, B. W., van Netten, J. J., Otten, E., Postema, K., Geuze, R. H., & Schoemaker, M. M. (2011). Assessment of activities of daily living in children with DCD: Psychometric properties of a new test: the DCDdaily. Abstract from 9th Developmental Coordination Disorder Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Curtze, C., Otten, B., Hof, A. L., & Postema, K. (2011). Determining asymmetry of roll-over shapes in prosthetic walking. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 48(10), 1249-1259.
Curtze, C., Hof, A. L., Postema, K., & Otten, B. (2011). Over rough and smooth: Amputee gait on an irregular surface. Gait & Posture, 33(2), 292-296.
Benjaminse, A., Gokeler, A., Fleisig, G. S., Sell, T. C., & Otten, B. (2011). What is the true evidence for gender-related differences during plant and cut maneuvers? A systematic review. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, 19(1), 42-54.


Gokeler, A., Hof, A. L., Arnold, M. P., Dijkstra, P. U., Postema, K., & Otten, E. (2010). Abnormal landing strategies after ACL reconstruction. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 20(1), 12–e19.
Benjaminse, A., Lemmink, K. A. P. M., Diercks, R. L., & Otten, B. (2010). An investigation of motor learning during side-step cutting, design of a randomised controlled trial. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders, 11, Article 235.
Curtze, C., Hof, A. L., Otten, B., & Postema, K. (2010). Balance recovery after an evoked forward fall in unilateral transtibial amputees. Gait & Posture, 32(3), 336-341.
Bakker, H., de Graaf-Peters, V. B., van Eykern, L. A., Otten, B., & Hadders-Algra, M. (2010). Development of proximal arm muscle control during reaching in young infants: From variation to selection. Infant Behavior & Development, 33(1), 30-38.
Curtze, C., Otten, B., & Postema, K. (2010). Effects of lower limb amputation on the mental rotation of feet. Experimental Brain Research, 201(3), 527-534.
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