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Beugelsdijk, Prof. Sjoerd

Sjoerd Beugelsdijk
Sjoerd Beugelsdijk

Sjoerd Beugelsdijk is a professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Groningen. He studied economics at Tilburg University, and was appointed professor in 2009. Focusing mainly on economic globalization and cultural similarities and differences, Beugelsdijk’s research is at the intersection of economics and sociology. The Stanford list included Beugelsdijk in its ranking of most influential researchers worldwide. Furthermore, Beugelsdijk has spent several periods working at universities in Denmark, Italy, and the United States. In 2019, he co-authored the Social and Cultural Planning Office’s report on national identity.

In 2021, he wrote the popular science book ‘De Verdeelde Nederlanden’ on the polarization of the Netherlands. Beugelsdijk: ‘People no longer listen to each other but will condemn each other’s views. This kind of polarization will paralyse society. According to Beugelsdijk, people have been thinking more and more in terms of profit, market and personal responsibility since the 1980s. “There is much more thinking in terms of numbers and statistics, also in our welfare state. This particularly harms the vulnerable groups, as we see with the childcare benefit affair and compensation for earthquake damage for the people of Groningen.” Beugelsdijk sees a divide in Dutch society as a result. Yet he is hopeful. ‘I can see that the problems I just mentioned are increasingly being identified and recognized. By political parties, the academic world, and societal organizations’

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Last modified:28 June 2023 5.00 p.m.
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