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Kottapalli, Prof.  Ajay

Portet picture of Ajay Kottapalli
Ajay Kottapalli

Ajay Kottapalli has been affiliated with the University of Groningen since 2018. He is associate professor of Bioinspired MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) and Biomedical devices (BMBD), and works at the Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen (ENTEG). With his research, Kottapalli aims to develop artificial nanosensors that integrate nature-inspired phenomena with soft polymer materials and 2D sensing materials. Put together, these elements  form ultra-sensitive sensors.

Kottapalli conducts research into animal senses in order to apply the results to engineering. In 2022, he received an ERC Starting Grant in order to carry out research into the whiskers of seals with the aim of developing artificial whisker sensors for underwater robots. Seals have ‘perfectly evolved’ whiskers, according to Kottapalli, which makes them an important research subject. In 2024, he also received a prestigious grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), together with Dr Anastasia Krushynska, for their research project MetaFlow. Kottapalli is co-founder and scientific advisor of Sencilia BV, a start-up that brings sensor knowledge to the market.

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Last modified:05 April 2024 11.59 a.m.
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