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Learning the Groningen language through a romantic comedy

Groningen language MOOC (massive online open course) has been launched
07 March 2025

René Paas, the King’s Commissioner for Groningen, launched the Groningen Language MOOC at the House of Connections in Groningen. In this free four-week course, participants can learn the Groningen language in an appealing and innovative way.

Recent research has shown that the Groningen language is rarely passed on from parent to child nowadays. In the past three years, the University of Groningen and the Centre for Groningen Language & Culture have developed a so-called MOOC (massive open online course) to ensure the accessible learning of the Groningen language.

Road trip through Groningen

As from 7 March, MOOC participants can learn the Groningen language online at their own pace. During the course, they follow the exciting story of Enno and Iefke, two young speakers of the Groningen language who make a road trip through the province together. The scenario was written by Groningen author Fieke Gosselaar, and the leading roles are played by actors Arend Lommert and Indy-Lynn de Haan.
Contrary to most online language courses in which a teacher explains the grammar and spelling rules of the language, this MOOC uses an entirely different approach. The Groningen language is offered in the form of a series of videos and WhatsApp conversations that together form a romantic comedy. 


In addition, interviews with heritage experts of the locations that are visited during the road trip ensure a strong connection between the language and culture in Groningen.  Through attractive videos, participants can discover for themselves how to use the language in interactions. The assignments help them to get better acquainted with the language and become familiar with the Groningen language database This approach ensures a firm foundation, enabling continuation with the language after the course. 


The MOOC was launched in a festive atmosphere on the evening of Thursday 6 March. The evening was organized in collaboration with the Jantina Tammes School at the House of Connections at the Grote Markt in Groningen. The programme comprised a Groningen quiz, an interview with the people involved, the launch of the MOOC by the King’s Commissioner René Paas, followed by Groningen music by Marlene Bakker.

Discover the course here

Last modified:27 February 2025 3.22 p.m.
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