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MSCA4Ukraine Fellowship Scheme

17 oktober 2022

The University of Groningen welcomes applications from displaced Ukranian researchers under the scheme MSCA4Ukraine.

As part of the EU’s response to the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, a new dedicated Marie Sklodowska Curie Action will provide support to displaced researchers from Ukraine. MSCA4Ukraine will enable displaced researchers to continue their work with an academic mentor at academic and non-academic organisations in EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries, while maintaining their connections to research and innovation communities in Ukraine. The scheme may also facilitate researchers’ reintegration in Ukraine if conditions for safe return are met, in order to prevent permanent brain drain.

The scheme is similar to the MSCA Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships. Fellowships will be awarded for a minimum of 6 months, up to a maximum of 24 months and are not renewable. They are open to all domains of research and innovation. It is foreseen a minimum number of 120 fellowships to be shared among all Member States and H EU associated partners.

Please note that for this funding scheme the host institution, the University of Groningen, fills in and submits the online application on behalf of the researcher via the MSCA4Ukraine online application portal through a designated primary contact point. The primary contact point for the UG is Geert Jan Arends.

The portal will open for submissions on 24 October 2022. We urge you to submit soon after this date as funds might be exhausted after the first cut-off date set at 11 November.

All the relevant information of this funding scheme is available in this website , including the call for applications and eligibility requirements, a matchmaking mentor-researcher tool and a FAQ section. Note: if you have issues opening the link through Google Chrome, please try an alternative browser like Microsoft Edge or Firefox. 

For further information please contact Gema Ocana, Geert Jan Arends, and your Faculty Funding Officer.

Laatst gewijzigd:26 oktober 2022 10:35
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