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News archive 2020

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Joining the municipal executive board costs parties votes – but one more than the others18 December 2020
Scientists create coatings from nature17 December 2020
€2 million ERC Grant for research on modulating the gut microbiome to improve drug efficacy09 December 2020
Convenience foods are a promising way of reducing consumer food waste27 October 2020
‘The coronavirus pandemic will be disastrous for many households’05 October 2020
A critical stance may seriously harm a director’s social status and satisfaction in serving10 September 2020
Competition between healthcare insurers is hampering structural improvement of chronic care10 September 2020
Province of Groningen finances a chair in Nature-inclusive Rural Development01 September 2020
Olivier van Eijk nieuwe huisdichter RUG01 September 2020
Campus Community Fund invests €500 million in Campus Groningen01 September 2020
UG researchers will look at Covid-19 impact on hospital staff’s well-being01 September 2020
Archeologisch samenwerkingsverband PAN leidt tot nieuwe historische inzichten15 July 2020
Plenty of room for improvement of the turnaround time for the criminal justice supply chain30 June 2020
Basale stofwisseling in ‘levende’ moleculen26 June 2020
Life-emulating molecules show basic metabolism26 June 2020
Joke van Leeuwen is the 2020-2021 Guest Writer of the University of Groningen17 June 2020
Results of University elections 2020-202115 June 2020
Teun Havinga new student assessor to the Board11 June 2020
Nation wide technical problems Vodafone11 June 2020
Simple explanation suffices for conduction in nickelates11 June 2020
Investigation into additional activities of UG professor of European Constitutional Law and Citizenship concluded08 June 2020
20 miljoen euro voor vijf grote onderzoeksprojecten UMCG03 June 2020
Herman Bröring appointed Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau24 April 2020
Karel Brookhuis appointed Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion24 April 2020
Wout van Bekkum appointed Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau24 April 2020
Wim Quax appointed Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion24 April 2020
Traditions in the Arctic in times of change06 April 2020
Five percent increase in municipal residential taxes for home owners06 April 2020
Evaluation of decision-making process for Yantai project completed26 March 2020
‘The elderly should be made to take compulsory lessons before buying an e-bike’24 March 2020
Under His Thumb: The Effect of President Donald Trump’s Twitter Messages on the US Stock Market12 March 2020
Tienjarige Academische Opleiding Leraar Basisonderwijs geeft krachtige impuls aan basisonderwijs Noord-Nederland11 March 2020
Students explain Artificial Intelligence in the new Forum Groningen10 March 2020
Grant for stimulating agricultural education in Mozambique09 March 2020
Fifteen Aletta Jacobs chairs for female academics06 March 2020
The Groningen Municipal Health Service (GGD) supervises return of Vindicat students06 March 2020
Temporary closure of KNIR05 March 2020
Photo report: Hacking brains in Psychology04 March 2020
Better understanding of the human brain03 March 2020
Measuring allergic asthma and hayfever with a nose brush03 March 2020
13 en 14 maart DoeDigiDagen: digitalisering voor iedereen03 March 2020
Outcome of the discussion between the UG, the Province of Friesland and the Municipality of Leeuwarden about Campus Fryslân27 February 2020
Letterenfaculteit organiseert congres over roeping van de wetenschap26 February 2020
University of Groningen Library celebrates its 405th birthday26 February 2020
‘We are stuck in a “disorder mindset”’25 February 2020
Snel middenstuk belangrijk voor prestatie junioren op 1500 meter schaatsen24 February 2020
Suzanne Voorrips prolongeert nationale titel indoor 800 meter24 February 2020
Five experienced researchers from Groningen awarded Vici grants20 February 2020
Safe method for identifying polar bears tested20 February 2020
Mini libraries are more successful than they seem18 February 2020
New Chair at the University of Groningen for Professor Pablo Tittonell17 February 2020
Video lecture Ward Rauws as part of the Universiteit van Nederland (in Dutch)17 February 2020
Podcast ‘In Science’ with Ming Cao14 February 2020
Extension of UG PhD Scholarship experiment approved13 February 2020
Strong increase in year-to-year variation in Arctic precipitation13 February 2020
Female bird falls victim to her Valentine13 February 2020
Laurens Sloot holds new chair of Entrepreneurship in Retailing11 February 2020
Artistic PhD offered in Groningen11 February 2020
Advice regarding Coronavirus06 February 2020
Towards a circular economy04 February 2020
'My mission is to make sure that women can make their own choices'04 February 2020
Ancient Siberian Hunters Survived the Ice Age by Inventing Pottery and Eating Fish04 February 2020
Province of Groningen supports knowledge development of green process technology04 February 2020
Video lecture by Hedderik van Rijn as part of the Universiteit van Nederland03 February 2020
Berend Roorda is UG Lecturer of the Year 201930 January 2020
Multiple occurrences of skin cancer after transplantation lead to lower quality of life30 January 2020
Noorden Digitaal will shine a spotlight on digital innovation and collaboration in the Northern Netherlands in March28 January 2020
What’s new in the news?28 January 2020
Consumers will not choose the more sustainable option automatically27 January 2020
The underexposed downsides of local self-governance and civic self-reliance24 January 2020
Carcasses important for plants and insects in the Oostvaardersplassen22 January 2020
Looking for mercury in the Arctic (video)21 January 2020
ELT MICADO Instrument Passes Preliminary Design Review21 January 2020
Little dissatisfaction with asylum seekers’ centres, a lot of dissatisfaction with the government17 January 2020
Highest increase in municipal residential taxes since 200715 January 2020
How do you say ‘eitje’?14 January 2020
Time for a new approach to hearing loss14 January 2020
First UTQ certificates for Polish University Teachers14 January 2020
UG takes measures following investigation into funding of NOHA programme13 January 2020
Jouke de Vries wins Langman Prize10 January 2020
Whatever you do, don’t humanize care robots07 January 2020
Lower health care costs in neighbourhoods with more sports clubs members03 January 2020
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