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Oratie dhr. prof.dr. D. Ballas: The Economic Geography of Happiness

Wanneer:di 13-11-2018 16:15 - 17:00
Waar:Aula Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen
The geography of subjective happiness in Europe. Source: Ballas, Dorling and Hennig (2017), The Human Atlas of Europe, Policy Press, Bristol
The geography of subjective happiness in Europe. Source: Ballas, Dorling and Hennig (2017), The Human Atlas of Europe, Policy Press, Bristol

Economic Geography is the study of economic phenomena across space and place. The inaugural lecture of Professor Dimitris Ballas (Chair in Economic Geography) focuses on how economic geography perspectives can help us identify and understand the socio-economic and spatial determinants of happiness and well-being, addressing questions such as:

  • Does geography matter when it comes to happiness?
  • To what extent does where we live affect how we feel and why?
Dimitris Ballas
Dimitris Ballas

Addressing such questions are part of a research agenda which is becoming increasingly prominent and which is also extremely relevant to the research mission of the University of Groningen Faculty of Spatial Sciences: Towards Wellbeing, Innovation and Spatial Transformation (tWIST).

The lecture includes a brief overview of philosophical perspectives and also highlights the importance of geographical and socio-economic contextual factors pertaining to well-being and happiness with a particular emphasis on the impact of social and spatial inequalities and social justice (also of relevance and linked to this inaugural address is a (Studium Generale public event on the Impact of Inequality on Wednesday 14 November). It also makes a strong case for an economic geography perspective to the analysis of the spatial determinants of happiness, including new innovative ways of geovisualisation as well as the new possibilities for advanced spatial analysis.

Meer informatie

  • Oratie: dhr. prof.dr. D. Ballas
  • Titel: The Economic Geography of Happiness   
  • Leeropdracht: Economische geografie     
  • Faculteit: Ruimtelijke wetenschappen
  • Register at the latest one week in advance by returning the replycard or by filling in the online form
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